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ID help please

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:09 pm
by Deborah
I found this caterpillar happily ensconced in a flower of Fritillaria meleagris (Snakeshead fritillary.) is it anything 'special'? Or just what is it? I'm happy to leave it to munch away if it's worthy(!) but I like my flowers too, so I'll put it somewhere else if it doesn't have very specific requirements. Thanks for any comments.

Re: ID help please

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:52 am
by CallumMac
I guess it's probably too late now and either the flower or the caterpillar will have gone! However, I would say this is definitely a moth caterpillar, and my best guess is Bright-line Brown-eye ( ... n-eye.html). It's known to feed internally on fruits and I have also recorded it feeding internally on the flowers of White Campion Silene latifolia. So the appearance and the behaviour both match reasonably well.

Re: ID help please

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 9:50 am
by Deborah
Thanks for your reply. Yes they've both gone - the Snakeshead Frittilaries got shared between the caterpillar and Lily Beetles! However I'm really happy to know what it was, for next year.