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Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:57 pm
by Wurzel
Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Week 10 – Sorry if this is slightly later than usual I was up to my neck in Xmas decorations. As I was passing them to the girls to hang I realised that Butterfly Conservation are missing a trick – I’d pay good money for Butterfly themed decorations – much better than toy soldiers, garish baubles etc! :wink: Anyway back to the Favourites…

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As like last year details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Have a goodun


Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:58 pm
by bugboy
These seemed to have a very narrow flight period this year, nevertheless I found good numbers in most of their usual haunts I visit.

I found some very well behaved fresh ones on Box Hill, their season debut for me
Marbled White male, Box Hill #2.JPG
Marbled White male, Box Hill #1.JPG
The following day I was visiting my WLH colony in Essex and found some more, this one posing nicely for me
Marbled White male, Hadleigh Country Park #10.JPG

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:11 pm
by millerd
My favourites usually also come from Box Hill, but this time round a brand new one from Aston Rowant came out on top.
MW1 030717.JPG
I also remember a single worn specimen (5th August) from the verge where the Yorkshire Wolds Way runs along a stretch of road, one of the most northerly examples you're likely to see.
MW1 050817.JPG

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:28 am
by Goldie M
My shots were taken at Temple Ewell in Kent and most of my shots were hampered by long grass etc, I think I only got one shot where the wings were open and even that shot managed to get some grass in there :D It was great to see them as last year I missed them completely .Goldie :D

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:51 am
by Chris Jackson
I'm always on the look-out for open-wing shots of the Marbled White, this year however was not favourable and I have little more than this individual to offer.
South of France in the first week of July:
galathea30 Vallon du Cros 06Jul17.JPG
Thisles are always a major attraction.

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:29 pm
by MikeOxon
No difficult choice to be made here - I find that I only took one Marbled White photo this year. It was on a memorable afternoon in the Bernwood Meadow when the main 'target' was Black Hairstreaks. I had expected to see more butterflies ranging across the centre of the meadow but, in fact, there were very few, so I was pleased when this one posed briefly for a portrait:
Bernwood Meadow, Oxon - 18th June 2017<br />Olympus E-M5 with 100-400mm lens - 1/400s@f/8 ISO640
Bernwood Meadow, Oxon - 18th June 2017
Olympus E-M5 with 100-400mm lens - 1/400s@f/8 ISO640

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:35 pm
by David M
I too only took one image of this species in 2017, in spite of seeing multi-thousands.

This individual was the first one I saw this year at Daneway Banks on 17th June:

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 7:31 pm
by Neil Freeman
Marbled Whites spread into my local patch a few years ago and have been increasing in numbers year on year. I didn't take many photos of them this year, the one below from my local spot at Castle Hills near Solihull being amongst the better attempts.
Marbled White - Castle Hills 01.07.2017
Marbled White - Castle Hills 01.07.2017


Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 6:32 pm
by Wurzel
Marbled White

This was taken at Larkhill on one of my (much rarer this year) stop-offs. It was my first for the season; I always look forward to when the Marbled Whites arrive as it means that we’re entering into the part of the season when then is so much activity. This one was my favourite firstly because of the stunning markings – it looked almost like it was striped not marbled when I first saw it from a distance. My second reason for its selection is that I think it’s the only shot of this species that I’ve got when it’s not in the grass, instead hanging out on Hawthorn.
DSC_7329 - Copy.JPG
Have a goodun


Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:09 pm
by Allan.W.
Took only very few Marbled White pictures in 2017 ,but was very pleased to find this pair ,at a site near Sandling park ,Hythe ,Kent
there were probably 30 + on the wing ,it was a new site for me ,but hopefully I,ll go back in 2018.
Regards Allan.W.

Re: Marbled White – Favourite Photo of 2017

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:50 pm
by David M
Lovely contrast between the smoky brown underside markings of the female and the pure black and white of the male, Allan.