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Vercors butterfly identification - part 2

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:08 pm
by Part timer
Thanks to all who helped out with earlier identification of coppers and blues - a few unfamiliar (to me) fritillaries attached.

The first two (same insect) I'm pretty sure are Niobe, but I'd welcome confirmation. The third, I believe is either High Brown or Niobe, but I can't tell from the upperside. The fourth, I think could be Grisons, but there again it could be Meadow - or even Heath, which was the most common small fritillary in the area, but this one looked a bit smaller and the upperside markings a bit lighter.

All taken in the Vercors area of France at the end of June - between about 800m and 1700m.

Any opinions gratefully received.

Regards, Rupert