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Purple Emperor Norfolk

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:13 pm
by Jack Harrison
The Norfolk Branch newsletter has a report of three sightings in the Sheringham area. I had written a while ago that one hypothesis might be that PE has been present in very low numbers all along, but below the visibility threshold. More favourable summers have allowed the Purple Emperor to do well in its know territory so maybe (just a thought) these improved conditions have enable Norfolk PEs to cross the visibility threshold although perhaps re-inforced by newcomers from outside.

I make an observation about the report by Francis Farrow who said: “White Admiral – No, not on the ground”. I have certainly see White Admirals (Fermyn Woods) behaving PE manner taking salts on the ground.

Does anyone have more experiences of Purple Emperor in Norfolk?


Re: Purple Emperor Norfolk

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:19 pm
by IanGD
I can't comment on the situation in Norfolk but the Purple Emperor has certainly spread across Suffolk over the last two years. The photo below was taken in late June this year at Bradfield Woods in Suffolk which is only 60 odd miles from Sheringham as the PE flies. If they are not already present in Norfolk I am sure that they soon will be.

With regard to the comment about White Admirals, I agree that they are commonly seen on the ground. The individual below was also recorded at Bradfield. Misidentification ?



Re: Purple Emperor Norfolk

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:04 am
by Jack Harrison
No, it wasn't a misidentification as there are photos that clearly are PE. Oddly though, the pictures were of a female: females don't usually go to ground (so I understand).


Re: Purple Emperor Norfolk

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:10 pm
by Matsukaze
See the latest post, and one a little bit further down, on the Purple Empire blog

Re: Purple Emperor Norfolk

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 4:28 am
by Jack Harrison
It is reassuring to read that the Great Man (MO) agrees with my thoughts about my native county. Minor typo though:
even as far east as Fakenham
I think that should have read even as far west as Fakenham.
