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BC Rowland Wood Reserve - Temporary Closure

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:08 am
by Neil Hulme
BC Rowland Wood Reserve - Temporary Closure

BEWARE: From Monday 6 November a forestry contractor will be at work on the BC Rowland Wood reserve (near East Hoathly, East Sussex) for approximately three weeks. This work will involve the harvesting of a mature conifer block, other tree felling around the reserve (primarily to widen some rides) and ride maintenance. Operations of this nature are extremely hazardous, so please do not visit Rowland Wood until further notice (Park Corner Heath is unaffected). If you stray into Rowland Wood it is imperative that you observe and comply with all warning signs and barriers.

This major restructuring of Rowland Wood is essential for both the long-term future of butterflies, moths and other wildlife, and also to comply with the Countryside Stewardship grant system which will fund the ongoing maintenance of our reserves. Heavy forestry work of this nature will inevitably cause a mess, and some may have concerns about its impact. However, within a couple of years the habitat will not only have recovered, it will be better than it has been for more than half a century. Thank you for your patience.