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Help with a photo...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:33 pm
by bugboy
OK, so on top of doing my transects I also write up an end of year report which goes to my bosses (as much to show them I'm not just prancing through the flowers in work time as anything else). This years would seem to have gone down rather well as I've been asked to do a short presentation to outline their findings over the past 3 years :shock: .

Now the mere thought of having to stand up and do a PowerPoint presentation is, for me, rather terrifying, so I'm busy going through my files looking for lots of images to distract the audience from me but I was wondering if anyone has a picture their willing to share of a butterfly perched on a sheet of paper in a manner that could vaguely illustrate a transect in progress. :?: Of course I'll make sure you are fully credited on the picture :) .



Re: Help with a photo...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:40 pm
by David M
I've captured images of butterflies resting on all kinds of things, Bugboy, but never, to my knowledge, on a sheet of paper.

Might be worth 'googling' this?

Re: Help with a photo...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:05 pm
by bugboy
David M wrote:I've captured images of butterflies resting on all kinds of things, Bugboy, but never, to my knowledge, on a sheet of paper.

Might be worth 'googling' this?
A work colleague and I spent a fair chunk of our lunch break doing exactly that David. Thankfully UKB and more specifically MikeOxon, has saved the day (with a little help from photoshop) :D

Re: Help with a photo...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:51 pm
by David M
Glad to hear it, Bugboy. You can always rely on Mike to pull a 'virtual' rabbit from the hat! :)