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In partnership with ...

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:49 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all,

I recently met with Julie Williams (BC Chief Exec) and Dr. Nigel Bourn (BC Director of Conservation Science and Policy) to discuss the complementary nature of BC (the charity) and UKB (the community). It was a really positive meeting that is going to lead to a closer alignment moving forward. We've decided to characterise our relationship as a "partnership" and you'll see this reflected in the header of every page on UKB. This partnership will manifest itself in several ways and here are some examples:

- BC has provided UKB with up-to-date distribution data that is rendered in the distribution maps we show.
- BC species descriptions will include a link to the UKB species descriptions and vice-versa.
- UKB will provide links to BC publications in "dispar" (, the UKB publishing arm.
- UKB will promote significant BC announcements (e.g. the symposium) through its own home page.
- etc.

You get the idea. All in all, I think that this takes the relationship between BC and UKB to a new level through a better-coordinated web presence (and much more) that fosters an interest in the conservation of the butterflies and moths that we all love.

For all UKB members reading this (member = contributor on the UKB forums), I would like to express Julie's and Nigel's appreciation of just how much UKB helps foster an interest in the conservation of butterflies and moths in the UK and beyond, through the very dynamic community that we've developed through the years. I was quite taken aback at how well-regarded UKB is from BC's perspective and we should all feel proud of what we've achieved and will achieve.


- Pete

Re: In partnership with ...

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:06 pm
by Padfield
That seems very sensible, Pete. We have a common interest, common purpose and presumably a largely overlapping membership. So a big welcome from me to BC. May the partnership prosper!


Re: In partnership with ...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 9:50 pm
by David M
Well done again, Pete. This news is most encouraging.

The overwhelming active membership on here has conservation of butterflies close to their heart, so any moves to bring the two bodies closer together can only be a positive thing.

Re: In partnership with ...

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:03 pm
by millerd
This is excellent news, Pete - that BC hold UKB in such high regard is a tribute to all your endless hard work making it what it is. The partnership can only bring benefits all round :)


Re: In partnership with ...

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:25 am
by Frying Pan
Partnership is at the heart of all successful nature conservation, I am delighted to hear this news.

Re: In partnership with ...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:27 pm
by Wurzel
Great news Pete I can only reiterate what David and Dave said :D Thank you for all your hard work :D

Have a goodun


Re: In partnership with ...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:31 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Guy, Dave, Dave, Dan, Wurzel! Without all of your input, UKB would be nothing, so this is definitely a "team effort" :)


- Pete