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Dungeness's friendly Fox !

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 5:54 pm
by Allan.W.
Sorry to post a non- butterfly subject,but thought some may be interested.Today at Dungeness we wandered along the power station fence,towards the sea ,in this area it is generally a great site for Clouded Yellows ,today was very good with up to ten on the wing, including four in view at the same time, Lynne and my son Liam perched themselves on a concrete seat (which any Dungie regulars will know ) while I went on a Cloudy hunt along the front wall,after a short spell ,I looked back towards their perch ,to see them pointing at some thing ,and immediately spotted a Fox ,making its way along the wall towards me ,stopping every now and then ,and making little leaps hunting mode . I sat down on the low curb ,as it approached ,it too hopped up on to the curb and only at the very last it stepped down and walked by me ,about 2 metres away,and happily continued on its way. Arriving back at the car I had a last look around a small triangular strip where the car was parked ,Lynne and Liam went straight to the car , as I was photographing a Small Copper ,I heard a whistle ,looking across to the car Lynne was pointing to a point just behind me , turning slowly and no further than three metres away was the same Fox just the otherside of the perimeter fence,just sitting watching me !!
Regards Allan.W.

Re: Dungeness's friendly Fox !

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:01 pm
by David M
Trust offence taken! Those are wonderful shots of a normally shy mammal.

I'd have been equally in awe had I been in such a position.

Re: Dungeness's friendly Fox !

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:37 pm
by Allan.W.
Thanks for comments David ! what was also amazing was that the Fox finally made eye contact when it was about 2 metres from me , from past experience with Foxe's in this situation is when they clock you ,they generally bolt, this one didn,t break step ,just stepped down and wandered past me ! Lynne and Liam said it did exactly the same to them ,making no attempt to give a wide berth or bolt.
But for me and even more remarkable ,as I said in the original post ,it must have somehow got into the power station compound
and wandered probably a quarter of a mile back around the perimeter fence to sit right behind me while I took a couple of plant pictures back by our car !! Amazing ! Regards Allan.W.

Re: Dungeness's friendly Fox !

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 8:11 pm
by Allan.W.
Just as a footnote to my original post ,the "friendly" fox was around again a couple of days back ,this time frolicking around with a small dog ,some nice pictures on an excellent local Romney marsh blog .......... ie. Plovers blog.
Regards Allan.W.