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Courtship video of Woodland Graylings

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:50 pm
by Art Frames
I posted this in my own diary as part of the story of my August trip to the Dordogne in France. I apologise if placing it twice breaks rules but I wanted to share the video as I found the courtship behaviour interesting and very beautiful.

During the week I saw three different Graylings: Tree Grayling - Hipparchia statilinus, Great-banded Grayling - Brintesia circe and a lot of Woodland Grayling - Hipparchia fagi. Pictures of those and many others are in my diary Art Frames diary

On the last day I began to see this beautiful and elaborate courtship dance. I saw three pairs of Woodland Graylings doing it and so in addition to a few photos I shot some video which I encourage you to look at as it is so delicate and touching.

Pair of Woodland Graylings[/video]

I have tried to embed the video in this post but have failed every way I tried (it is in the videos section here but even that doesn't help me). If I find a way I'll edit this post :?

Re: Courtship video of Woodland Graylings

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:30 pm
by David M
Thanks for posting that, Peter. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I've seen UK Graylings behave like this but have never witnessed fagi indulging in such behaviour, even though I've seen multi-hundreds over the years.

Seems like the same approach is used - the male attempts to 'dip' his androconial scales over the female's antennae.

Sadly, on this occasion, her level of wear and raising of the abdomen suggests another male found her first!

Re: Courtship video of Woodland Graylings

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:32 pm
by Pete Eeles
Very nice work, Peter! I wonder if this courtship is equivalent to semele - it would be good to see an actual pairing, but know how difficult it can be to capture that!
Art Frames wrote:I have tried to embed the video in this post but have failed every way I tried
I can't get the mechanism to work either - seems like a bug in the most recent update. Leave it with me :)


- Pete

Re: Courtship video of Woodland Graylings

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:42 pm
by Pete Eeles
Videos are now fixed and I've updated your post. Thanks for letting me know!


- Pete

Re: Courtship video of Woodland Graylings

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:58 pm
by Art Frames
Pete Eeles would be good to see an actual pairing, but know how difficult it can be to capture that!

- Pete
Pete - many thanks for mending the links. I will investigate uploading more video from my files.

I did stand waiting for any pairing but I think, as has been mentioned by others she was displaying that she'd already mated so just enjoyed the attention. :roll: