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Monday morning

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:46 am
by David1952
I nipped out earlier to fetch the post from the front gate (30m). Loads of butterflies:

Gate keeper
Meadow brown
Red admiral
Small white
Green-veined white
Sooty copper
Holly blue
Small tortoiseshell

The swallowtail was a first for this year but we saw the caterpillar a few weeks ago. Here is one of the images:

Re: Monday morning

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:24 pm
by David M
Send a few of those Swallowtails over the Channel please, David! :)

Re: Monday morning

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:03 am
by David1952

I have always been surprised that they don't make it across the channel. They are really strong fliers and with any sort of a southerly wind it should be an easy hop.
Here is another one that doesn't make it across often, either. The sooty copper is more common here that the copper.


Re: Monday morning

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:20 pm
by David M
Continental Swallowtails DO make it over the Channel, David, and early stages have been found many times so they have clearly bred here. They don't seem to sustain their presence here though, like many other butterflies that are relatively common in northern France.

Coppers, on the other hand, tend to be territorial and not inclined to fly great distances. I doubt we'll ever see any of this family making the journey. :(

Re: Monday morning

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 9:05 am
by David1952

Thanks for that info. I have only seen the swallowtail on the Broads in the UK. Having been brought up on British butterflies it is interesting to see some different ones.

We are off to eastern France soon for a holiday. It will be interesting to see what there is to see.

Thanks again
