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Progressive Gardening & The Monarch Butterfly in the United Kingdom

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:16 pm
by PhilBJohnson
Most good designs start with a Site Survey. Surveying is a process in finding out:
"what is and "what was".
"Progressive gardening can be seen as a garden where an emphasis is not on instant change but as a progression over time towards goals that can also change after possible numerous surveys over time".

The Monarch Butterfly (which is naturally strong flying with long migratory routes) occasionally manages to make the journey "across the pond" from the USA to the UK.
In principle, when it arrives on our western UK shores, I think it is a very good idea to reward the "strongest of the strong flying butterflies" with a food plant for it's caterpillars so that those genes are past on to a next generation of Monarch Butterflies.