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Broaks Wood, Essex

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:59 am
by peterc
Hi everyone.

As anyone been to Broaks Wood recently? I am hoping to find the Wall before the season is over. Is there anywhere else in the county away from the coast where I might find it?

Many thanks


Re: Broaks Wood, Essex

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:05 pm
by Essex Bertie
Hi Peter,

You won't find any Wall at Broaks Wood. I don't know the site but I get the impression that this either relates to old records or misidentified Commas.

We are awaiting the second brood next month. Best spot is always Canvey Wick, but I would wait for reports on the Cambs & Essex website as we had a strong first brood, with the odd sighting in the Langdon Hills area, but their stronghold is usually the post-industrial sites along the Thames corridor from Tilbury round to Canvey.


Re: Broaks Wood, Essex

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:43 pm
by peterc
Thanks Bertie. I thought that would be the case not having found any sightings of it at the site on the Cambs & Essex branch website in the last year or so.

Good to know that there was a strong first brood at Canvay Wick - I'll consider going there for the second generation.

