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Alpine butterflies

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:49 pm
by John W

I am on holiday in Switzerland at the moment, and saw these two butterflies (a fritillary and an Erebia?) at Muottas Muragl, 8051 ft, near St Moritz. (A bit of a tourist trap but stunning views none the less). If anyone can ID them I'd be grateful.

jun-20-butterflies - 1.jpg
jun-20-butterflies - 2.jpg

Re: Alpine butterflies

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:57 pm
by Padfield
Hi John. Your first butterfly is a marsh fritillary of the high-altitude form/subspecies/species depending on which author you follow. The taxonomy is highly controversial. Tolman calls it Euphydryas aurinia debilis. Recent authors question both the validity of the name and the status of the taxon. Leraut calls it Euphydryas merope. Whatever, it is the marsh fritillary you will see if you wander around the high Alps!

The second is less controverial - it is dewy ringlet, Erebia pandrose.
