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Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:28 pm
by Charles Nicol
okay i managed to put it on Vocaroo...

any ideas what this bird could be ?

it was in a willow bush next to the lake at Grafham.

thanks !!


Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:52 pm
by jenks
Hi Charles,
I think that`s a Song Thrush. The repeated phrases are typical of Song Thrush although the habitat as described may not be so. ST`s usually sing from medium to high perches on trees and are usually visible. They don`t usually sing from low down or from deep cover. You will know what sort of cover was provided by the Willow, and the position of the bird. It may be that the abundance of leaves was obscuring your view of the bird.
My point of reference is the Collins Guide to Bird Songs and Calls by Geoff Sample, and the CD recording of Song Thrush seems closest to your recording of the song. I`ve also checked Blackcap and Garden Warbler, both of which species sing from deeper cover than Song Thrush, but neither of these species habitually repeats phrases. I`m happy to be corrected if anyone knows differently.
It just emphasises what a marvellous time of year Spring is with so much happening !



Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:02 pm
by Charles Nicol
thanks for your detailed reply Jenks !!

the thrush was obscured by foliage and was quite high up as you suggested. it did not seem to mind me being quite close. most birds stop singing when i am nearby.


Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:26 pm
by David M
Would have liked to have listened to it, Charles, but I got a message saying 'plug-in vulnerable'. :(

Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:05 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I've used Vocaroo a lot, it's a good web tool. Not used it for a while though.

Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:03 pm
by Charles Nicol
David M wrote:Would have liked to have listened to it, Charles, but I got a message saying 'plug-in vulnerable'. :(
this is the flickr link, but it did not play for me

Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:54 pm
by Charles Nicol
Lee Hurrell wrote:I've used Vocaroo a lot, it's a good web tool. Not used it for a while though.
i've not had any problems using it :?

Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:04 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Nor me, and the link works fine for me.

Re: Grafham Water Birdsong

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:13 pm
by Charles Nicol
Lee Hurrell wrote:Nor me, and the link works fine for me.
i'm glad the flickr worked for you... it did not for me :roll: