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Bulgaria late July -misfits

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:05 pm
by JProchera
Hi all,

May I have some help on a few images I have not cataloged yet please?

They will be of variable quality I am afraid and recently getting into butterflies I find some very hard!

If anyone would be able to offer some tips as to how they have reached their decision I'd greatly appreciate it as I find that much easier to absorb rather than flicking between images.

The first two are from the RIla mountains both 2000m +

072 Large Ringlet_1.jpg
I think the first image shows Large ringlet Erebia euryale, but I also have Arran brown Erebia ligea in mind...

I am stumped on this next one - Mountain Argus Aricia artaxerxes perhaps?
This skipper is causing me problems - was in hot dry lowands. No more pics of it.

5.) - I think maybe Large Grizzled Skipper. Nearing 2000m in Pirin mountains.

6.) - not sure.

Thanks in advance


Re: Bulgaria late July -misfits

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:14 pm
by bugboy
OK then, I'll have a stab but don't take these as gospal, I have very little experience with continental butterflies and none with these so all I'm going on is pictures from a 30+ year old book (it is illustrated by Richard Lewington though so it does have something going for it!). It also means that my scientific names below may well be out of date.

The first one I'm inclined to agree with you on Large Ringlet, Arran Browns tend yo have more white on the underwing and the chequered margin looks more like euryale than ligea

2) Can't say any more than it definitely looks like an Aricia

3) the closest I can get is Mallow Skipper, Carcharodus alceae the spotting and the scalloped edge to the hindwing seem to match up.

4) Marbled Skipper Carcharodus lavatherae is the closest match I can get here.

5) I'll leave well alone, it's some sort of Grizzled....

6) I'm almost certain this one is a Large Wall Lasiommata meara

Re: Bulgaria late July -misfits

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:43 pm
by Padfield
As Bugboy says, the first butterfly is E. euryale. The single, white tooth on the hindwing is classic (as is the location).

I suspect the Aricia is artaxerxes. The amount of orange on the forewings varies greatly in this species but is generally less than in agestis - and the wing shape looks good.

I agree the first Carcharodus is alceae. I think the second is orientalis.

By appearance, I would call the mating skippers armoricanus. 2000m is a little high for this species according to the books. The only real alternative is alveus - but they are unlike any alveus I've seen (the ground colour and the bright veins).

Finally, yes - a male Lasiommata maera (large wall).


Re: Bulgaria late July -misfits

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:47 pm
by JProchera
Cheers guys, appreciate the help and the pointers.

The learning continues!!