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j-d welch

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:28 pm
by j-d welch
Just a quick hello from me jd.welch and thank you for accepting my registered membership...
I have been a great fan of this website for several years, it is a brilliant resource and over the last few years it has helped me to understand that I have a healthy obsession that is growing by the year. I enjoy different types of photography but come the spring the 105mm lens comes out and " la chasse aux papillons " starts...
Recently having checked UKB for a Brown Hairstreak site near to Taunton; I finally chose Thurlbear Quarrylands as a likely spot; so over the last weekend in August I managed a couple of visits on the 27th & the 29th; thanks to UKB and the information that I had gleaned, I had an enjoyable couple of walks but more importantly I captured the following:
DSC_1551 (2).JPG
DSC_1573 (2).JPG
DSC_1595 (2).JPG
DSC_1616 (2).JPG
DSC_1629 (2).JPG
what a fabulous couple of days and thanks to UKB I saw and captured my first ever Brown Hairstreak...I literally skipped out of the Thurlbear quarrylands after that and I'm still excited about it now but most people I tell about this adventure just smile n nod slightly condescendingly and say " well isn't that nice " well it was actually and I even saw my first couple of clouded yellow in the UK for good measure. An unforgettable experience and I will be visiting Thurlbear woods n Quarrylands next year for sure...
Kind regards, jd

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:02 am
by trevor
A warm welcome from me J D.
Looking forward to more from you. That last image of the Clouded Yellow on Ragwort is stunning !.
The Clouded Yellow has shown well in Sussex this Summer/Autumn.

All the best,

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:33 pm
by Tony Moore
I remember waiting in the cloud and occasional rain for six hours on Witherslack, hoping to see my first High Brown Fritillary. At 4.15 there was a flash of sun and an HBF appeared and landed on a small conifer right in front of me. I photographed it with closed wings. As the sun brightened it opened its wings momentarily for an upper shot and sped off to the top of a nearby tree. I walked the two miles back to the car through peeing rain about four feet off the ground :D . Difficult to explain to non-butterfliers...

Tony M.

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:34 pm
by David M
Welcome, JD. Looking forward to seeing your future posts.

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:24 pm
by William
Welcome, JD! Nice to hear from a fellow Somerset member, you did well to find the Brown Hairstreaks at Thurlbear, not always an easy butterfly - let me know if you need any information about butterflying in the county.



Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:29 am
by Goldie M
Welcome JD, great shots to start you off, Goldie :D

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:54 pm
by j-d welch
trevor wrote:A warm welcome from me J D.
Looking forward to more from you. That last image of the Clouded Yellow on Ragwort is stunning !.
The Clouded Yellow has shown well in Sussex this Summer/Autumn.

All the best,
Many thanks for your welcome and comments, Trevor

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:05 pm
by j-d welch
Tony Moore wrote:I remember waiting in the cloud and occasional rain for six hours on Witherslack, hoping to see my first High Brown Fritillary. At 4.15 there was a flash of sun and an HBF appeared and landed on a small conifer right in front of me. I photographed it with closed wings. As the sun brightened it opened its wings momentarily for an upper shot and sped off to the top of a nearby tree. I walked the two miles back to the car through peeing rain about four feet off the ground :D . Difficult to explain to non-butterfliers...

Tony M.
absolutely, the thrill n joy of a first encounter ( having set out to see n capture a particular butterfly ) and you manage a few good shots as that is a flippin good day so I am with you all the way Tony. By the way I haven't seen a High brown Fritillary as of yet, so next year I will remember your tale....good to make your acquaintance and I look forward to following your diary n posts; Kind regards, jd

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:07 pm
by j-d welch
David M wrote:Welcome, JD. Looking forward to seeing your future posts.
Thank you David for your welcome and I will undoubtedly look forward to seeing your posts as well, kind regards, jd

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:12 pm
by j-d welch
William wrote:Welcome, JD! Nice to hear from a fellow Somerset member, you did well to find the Brown Hairstreaks at Thurlbear, not always an easy butterfly - let me know if you need any information about butterflying in the county.


Many thanks William, I will definitely keep you to that offer no doubt, I am a relative newcomer to Somerset ( my girl friend has just moved there and I will follow shortly) so I will certainly need some good pointers next year; I look forward to seeing your posts in the meantime; kind regards, jd

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:15 pm
by j-d welch
Goldie M wrote:Welcome JD, great shots to start you off, Goldie :D
Many thanks Goldie, for your kind comments and welcome; I look forward to following n seeing your posts; kind regards, jd

Re: newly registered member...

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 8:58 pm
by Wurzel
A belated welcome JD :D Great shoots to start off on :D

Have a goodun
