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Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:48 pm
by JProchera
Hi folks,

Being quite a new convert to butterflies from 20 years of birding I am finding my first year quite hard. This is often because I am not sure where to look on a butterflies underside to figure out an ID.

I spent a top 9 days this July in Bulgaria and I am still going through photos from an overwhelming 117 species.

I believe this is an Adonis Blue, could anyone please confirm it and would anyone be kind enough to give me some pointers on how to ID the underside from a Chalkhill? I feel if I can see written down "instructions" my brain will be able to cope with them a bit better :shock:

Thanks in advance


Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:58 pm
by EB1
I too am a complete beginner but in the absence of any other replies I can only relay what I learn from the pictures in my book.

The Chalkhill in my book doesn't show those orange spots so clearly, nor have that diagonal line of spots on the hindwing but the Adonis does, however the book seems to note a "wedgeshaped mark on hindwing" as a distinguishing feature of the Adonis. (Where yours shows a whitish mark, the Adonis has a black one with light perimeter.) The Provencal Chalkhill has that diagonal line of black spots and as you were abroad may be worth a look at pics of that. The Adonis is about the size of the common blue and a bit smaller than the Chalkhill. Was there a reason you ruled out the Common Blue?

Now I too will be reading replies on this with interest to learn more!

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:39 pm
by MikeOxon
We can rule out Common Blue because of the chequered fringes. If it had been taken in Britain I would go for Adonis rather than Chalkhill, because Chalkhill undersides are greyer overall, with less coloured markings than yours. There are so many other possibilities in Continental Europe, however, that it will need a much more experienced observer than I am :)

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:03 pm
by Chris Jackson
And welcome to the newcomers.
Welcome also to a new learning curve.

Have a look at this interesting and useful page belonging to Roger Gibbons, which shows many male blue undersides, side by side :


Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:29 pm
by Allan.W.
Interesting Blue underside this one, I must admit I have very little Knowledge of Blues found outside of the UK, but am reasonably familiar with Chalkhill
and Adonis Blues,and must say it doesn't ,look particularly like either, but more Adonis than Chalkhill perhaps , I don,t Know if any one else has picked up the red fringes to the
edges of the forewings,this I have definitely not seen in either Chalkhill or Adonis. I did wonder about Blue Argus "Aricia Anteros" but having looked at a few pics , now
I,m not so sure. regards Allan.W.

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 7:15 pm
by JProchera
Hi all

Thanks for your time and comments.

Apologies for the lateness in my reply (very busy).

I will have a look through pics tomorrow but I do not think I have any flight shots, I might have some more of similar individuals though.



Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 7:32 pm
by JProchera
Hi again

No flight shots - I have added two pics. One of a different one I think is Adonis that was nearby and then another butterfly which I believe is Chalkhill Blue. I am pleased to see that I am not the only one who may struggle with ID sometimes! :D
possible adonis
possible adonis

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:34 pm
by bugboy
Hi, neither of the above two seem to have a chequered fringe so we can rule out Chalkhill and Adonis for both. The second one could be a Common Blue. Where were they seen?

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:05 pm
by JProchera
Hi - thanks

Both seen in southern Bulgaria, first taken around sea level, second picture taken around 1500m. I believe I meant to post this image as a chalkhill blue rather than the one I did (blame it on a long day birding).

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 9:36 pm
by bugboy
That one is definitely Lysandra but I couldn't give you a species, either a female Chalkhill or an Adonis. Maybe some of the continental experts will have a better idea. Do they have different flight periods out there like they do in the UK? That would certainly help.

Re: Adonis and Chalkhill struggles

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:36 pm
by JProchera
Hi again,

I am pretty certain both are in flight at the same time around the last week of July that I was there.

I have been spending a lot of time looking at them comparing images etc to try and get the jizz.

Been interested to know any further opinions - have also added a few other species from BG on another thread if you fancy a challange (although they might not be to you :) )
