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French fritillaries and blues

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:54 pm
by Part timer
Hi all

I took all the attached photos on 16th September in the Monts de L'Espinouse area of the Haut Languedoc in southern France. I'm not 100% sure of the identification of any of them, so I'd welcome other views.

I think the first is Weaver's Fritillary, but the underside photo is pretty poor. The second I believe to be either Idas or Silver-studded Blue, although a bit late in the season for either. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the upper side but I did get a decent view of it and the black border was narrower than I've seen on a number of previous Silver-studded sightings, so I am tending towards Idas, but I don't know whether they can safely be distinguished from the underside.

I am going for Knapweed Fritillary for the third. Once again the quality of the underside pictures isn't great, and there are a number of similar species, but the variety of colouration on the upper side looks good for this one.

All opinions very welcome.

Regards, Rupert

Re: French fritillaries and blues

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:25 pm
by David M
Agree with Weaver's and Knapweed Frits, but there isn't enough detail for me to plump for Idas.

Re: French fritillaries and blues

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:44 pm
by Roger Gibbons
Rupert, the blue is Idas in my opinion. The fritillary isn't Knapweed, assuming the underside is the is the same individual as the upperside, as indicated by the underside. I don't think it is Heath either, and I am rather inclined to think it is female Provencal. I suggest you have a closer look to check this out.


Re: French fritillaries and blues

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:30 pm
by Part timer
Thanks for both your opinions. As Roger has suggested, I have had a closer look at the third and I am now inclined to agree with the suggestion that it is actually a female Provencal, rather than Knapweed.

I have been pleasantly surprised by the variety of species still on the wing in the area in mid September; I am on holiday here for a few more days so hopefully will get an opportunity to go back up to the hills and see what else is around.

Regards, Rupert