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Mountain Argus

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:15 pm
by David Tipping
Here's another one from the Spanish Pyrenees. It was seen at high altitude and I had it marked down as mountain argus, but there are two additional spots on the upper wing (arrowed), which shouldn't be there if my identification is correct. Any ideas?
Blue B (3) c.jpg

Re: Mountain Argus

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:34 pm
by Padfield
Hi David. The only options are common blue and Eros blue (females). I would unhesitatingly go for common blue on appearance alone, as it doesn't look anything like female eros from the Alps. But I can't recall seeing female eros in the Pyrenees and I guess it might be closer to icarus ...

Nevertheless, I'd go for common.
