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Picos de Europa

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:42 am
by Paul Wetton
I am thinking of visiting the Picos de Europa next year and wondered if anyone has any information on the best time to visit for butterflies and other wildlife.
Information on walks especially good butterfly sites would also be very helpful as it would be my first visit to the area.
Please message me if you don't wish to post on line or send any information to me at

Many thanks in advance

Re: Picos de Europa

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:32 pm
by essexbuzzard
Hi Paul,about now would be good! I would say July is the peak month. I've been there in June and,though the wild flowers and scenery were exceptional,the butterflies then we're not outstanding . I see Naturetrek do a butterfly trip there,so you might be able to harvest a bit of information from them, past reports etc. Remember the climate there is not entirely unlike our own, broadly similar to,say,Cornwall or Devon,and definitely not like the Costa del Sol!

Re: Picos de Europa

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:28 am
by Roger Gibbons

Re: Picos de Europa

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:49 pm
by Paul Wetton
Thanks for the information gents

I am now planning on booking the first two weeks in July for our trip. I've looked at the Naturetrek trip reports and the Iberian Wildlife website. I've also sent a request to Teresa a few weeks ago but have had no reply as yet. I will send her another email. There are a few trip reports around but not a huge amount so was just looking for a few good butterfly spots as I will also be looking for birds and other wildlife in the area.

Thanks again

Re: Picos de Europa

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:15 pm
by Pieter Vantieghem
I agree that early july would probably best to see Erebia palarica and Plebejus pyrenaicus, two of the main specialties of the region (with the first being endemic of NW-Spain).

Re: Picos de Europa

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:08 pm
by Paul Wetton
Thanks Pieter

I am hoping to find a few sites at various altitudes where I can walk if anyone knows of any.


Re: Picos de Europa

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:27 am
by Pieter Vantieghem
Unfortunately I haven't been in that region yet so can't give you much valuable information. You could use the nature observations website much used in the Netherlands and Belgium to find some locations: