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Marbled White species on Lesvos

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:04 pm
by Roger Musgrove
Would anyone have any comments on this Marbled White type taken on Lesvos in April this year. I presumed at the time that it would be Balkan Marbled White but have never really been that happy and was wondering if it was an eastern race of Marbled White, would appreciate any comments from people who have experience from Lesvos or of this species.

Re: Marbled White species on Lesvos

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:59 pm
by Padfield
Although I don't have any direct experience of this species on Lesbos I have several books with complete series showing the full range of variation and your butterfly is unquestionably larissa (Balkan marbled white) to me. The fine cell bar is characteristic, as are the dusty basal shading and the streaks in the forewing cell (some individuals show dark shading here, others just a streak or two - specimens from Lesbos seem to show a rather clear cell with streaks). Other features are all well within the range of variation. None of the other Melanargia species match nearly so well.


Re: Marbled White species on Lesvos

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:45 pm
by Roger Musgrove
Many thanks Guy, I suppose the moral of the story is to always stick to your first impression. Only saw them at one location in the west of the island and the few I saw were all very fresh.

Re: Marbled White species on Lesvos

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:23 am
by Pieter Vantieghem
Melanargia larissa is the only Melanargia species on Lesvos. Appendix 1b is the most recent published list on butterflies on Lesvos: ... age_69.pdf