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Dr. Martin George

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:22 pm
by Pete Eeles
As many of you will already know, Dr. Martin George (a leading conservation figure) passed away recently: ... _1_4577947

I remember, with fondness, visiting his garden (next to Strumpshaw Fen) on several occasions and even discussing "all things Lepidoptera" with him during one of my visits. For those that don't know, Martin was generous in the extreme, and would allow butterfly enthusiasts access to his garden to see the Swallowtails that frequently came off the fen to feed on the flowers that he grew for them (and other insects). He even erected a sign to welcome visitors.

The reason for this post is to ensure that UKB members of aware of the situation, and to request that they respect that Martin's family are in mourning. While Martin's garden is still accessible, please bear this in mind if you intend to visit. Thanks all.


- Pete

Re: Dr. Martin George

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:44 pm
by David M
Difficult time for his family, and it's right people are made aware so that they can be even more respectful than usual if visiting Strumpshaw.

There can't be any other UK butterfly species for which you can pinpoint the best place to see it in the entire country down to one man's garden. By making his garden 'public access' he has brought great joy to many (myself included).

There aren't many other people around who would be prepared to do this.


Re: Dr. Martin George

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:49 pm
by essexbuzzard
Seconded,and nicely said Pete and David. Having been there myself,I am for ever grateful to the Dr,for such generosity and kindness. May the poor man rest in peace,and may his family find comfort in the knowledge he brought so much pleasure to a great many people .