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The Mercantour for a couple of days

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 6:12 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi Folks,
Here we are in the Mercantour for a couple of days.
This region is 1 hour north of Nice in south-east France.

Arriving 2 hours too early for the check-in at the hotel, we went for a stroll. Within the space of 1 hour I had already ticked off 2 lifers and tallied 15 other species.
Duke of Burgundy Fritillary ? - a lifer :D
_lucina Rimplas 22May16 (40a).JPG
_lucina Rimplas 22May16 (10a).JPG
Provençal Fritillary ? - a lifer :D
_frit1 pair Rimplas 22May16 (31a).JPG
_frit1 pair Rimplas 22May16 (21a).JPG
Context - a typical view of the scenery.
_context Rimplas 22May16 (2).JPG
_context Rimplas 22May16 (1).JPG
It was warm and breezy, and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the 'blues' would just not sit still. I have yet to discover other species.
Also flying : aurinia, semiargus, didyma, sinapis, cardamines, bellargus, rubi, alfacariensis, rhamni ?, pamphilus, podalirius, tages, dia, megera ...
Today, the Lombarde pass ?
Back soon,

Re: The Mercantour for a couple of days

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 5:51 am
by Chris Jackson
Today we ventured up to the Lombarde pass, beyond Isola 2000 ski resort, up to the Italian border.
OK, so its not quite summer yet, but we didn't expect this : :shock:
View from 2350 m ASL, east into Italy.
Col de la Lombarde vue sur l'Italie 23May16 (1).JPG
No butterflies here, but we could hear marmots (French prairie dogs) calling through the icy wind.
We found good use for the snow, keeping our survival provisions chilled :D
Pelforth on ice Col de la Lombarde 23May16 (2).JPG
Back down at a more reasonable altitude, research paid off and I found a Chequered Blue (1000 m ASL).
orion GR5 Rimplas 23May16 (6).JPG
View from hotel window at 7.30 am
View from window 7.30 am Rimplas 23May16.JPG
Bye for now,