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Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:09 pm
by ingleslenobel
Went over to Denbies on a ridiculously warm May 1st Sunday morning (~22C) and took a right down after Steer's field towards the copse down the right path. Spotted plenty of: Grizzled Skippers, Dingy Skippers, Brimstones, and a pair of fiercely quarreling Green Hairstreaks thanks to Ralph Clark's keen eyesight, far sharper than mine. Also spotted a pair of other butterfly people doing Denbies that morning, but unfortunately they disappeared down towards the railway tracks before I had a chance to strike up a conversation. Other species seen: Peacock, + small red burnet, not sure which one. Went home soon after because my eBay purchased backpack broke, bah.

Re: ingleslenobel

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 6:32 pm
by ingleslenobel
Went on a BC walk at Denbies on 22 May; about 10 of us gathered at the gates to Steer's Field. I learned a lot during the walk and saw the species that I'd hoped: Green Hairstreak and Adonis Skipper. Didn't do too much photography and beginning to see the limitations of my setup; the people with true primes seemed to be able to shoot from much further away. I felt a bit foolish when I got to close and disturbed the butterflies.

The Denbies Hillside walk was incredibly instructive; the walk leader drew our attention to foodplants as well as the orchids. Seeing the kite in the sky, the adders under the metal and the slowworm on the path home made the day complete. I may have made a friend or two during the walk and Ken Owen and I have already exchanged emails about Box Hill, a place I'd like to explore during the next few weeks. Fwiw, I'd thoroughly recommend these Butterfly Conservation outings if you're a bit of a beginner like myself; the walking pace is very relaxed, and with 10 pairs of eyes there's a much bigger chance of seeing something good.
