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Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 7:49 pm
by lee3764
“Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society”
Butterfly & Moth Field Meetings 2016.
Compiled by Lee Slaughter (Cornwall’s Butterfly & Moth Field Trip Organiser).
Celebrating 24 glorious SUMMERS of arranging Butterfly & Moth
meetings across Cornwall and beyond - 1993 - 2016.

Friday 13th May – 9:00pm – St Clement Wood, Truro (Moth Night).

An early summer moth evening kindly hosted by one of Cornwall’s foremost moth experts, Frank Johns. Please bring a torch, a drink, wrap up well & something to sit or kneel on. There should be plenty of Spring/Summer moths to record. Please bring your own moth trap if you have one!
Leader – Frank Johns. Meet at SW824478, St Clement Wood car park (free). For details and directions, phone Frank Johns on 01326 240357.

Saturday 14th May – 11:00am –Perransands/Penhale Sands, nr. Perranporth.

Perransands/Penhale Sands now seem to hold Cornwall’s last remaining colonies of Grizzled Skippers which although highly localised will hopefully be found in suitable looking habitat amongst this vast dune complex. We hope to possibly find the special aberration called ‘taras’ which is sometimes found at this locality amongst some of the Grizzled Skipper colonies. Other species which should be found include Brown Argus, Wall Brown, Dingy Skipper, Common Blue, Small Copper and Orange Tip. Bring a packed lunch.
Leaders – Paul Browning and Dave Spencer. Meet at map ref – SW774553 in lay-by on edge of road opposite the turning to Rose village by entrance to footpath onto sand dunes.
For details & directions phone Paul Browning on 01736 763677 or Dave Spencer on 01326 314533.

Sunday 22nd May – 1:00pm – Fellover Brake, Tuckingmill, St. Breward.

This site still holds one of Cornwall’s few remaining colonies of the nationally threatened Pearl-Bordered Fritillary butterfly which can be seen over a wide area of well managed bracken covered hillside. Walking boots are essential as the site slopes quite steeply and can be quite uneven in places. Orange Tip & Brimstone should also still be on the wing.
Leader – Dave Conway. Meet at SX089779, in small lay-by at Gam Bridge.
For details and directions phone Dave Conway on 01208 77686.

Saturday 28th May – 11:00am –Meeth Quarry, Devon.

A new location for our group; Meeth Quarry has a superb population of the nationally rare Wood White butterfly! Bring a packed lunch.
Leaders – Paul Browning and Dave Spencer. Map 191 Land Ranger map ref - SS540080 Meeth Quarry is on the southern edge of the village of Meeth, Devon on the A386 between Hatherleigh and Great Torrington. If travelling north on the A386 (from the A30), Meeth is approx 4 miles after Hatherleigh, and the reserve access road is on the left, shortly after passing the Meeth village sign. If travelling south on the A386, continue through the village of Meeth, past The Bull and Dragon pub on the right. The reserve access road is on the right, before leaving the last houses in the village. Nearest postcode EX20 3EP.
Follow the access road for half a mile and the car park is on the left.
For details & directions phone Paul Browning on 01736 763677 or Dave Spencer on 01326 314533.
Monday 30th May (Spring/Whitsun Bank Holiday) – 11:00am – Breney Common, nr. Lanlivery.

It is always a delight to visit one of Cornwall’s largest Marsh Fritillary colonies here at famous Breney Common. Good numbers of this species should be seen together with Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary, Small Heath, Brimstone, Green Hairstreak and always a few interesting moths too! Photography is almost always easy here so do bring your camera and walking boots.
Leaders – Rowena & Rob Nicholls. Meet at SX053611, small roadside car park where free parking is available near Gunwen Chapel.
For details and directions phone Rowena & Rob Nicholls on 01726 884600 or 07596 159940.

Saturday 4th June – 11:00am – Predannack Cliffs, nr. Mullion, The Lizard.

Predannack Cliffs, a protected nature reserve, are famous for their spectacular scenery, and also for their flora, including orchids, in the spring and early summer, but this is also a beautiful spot for seeing butterflies. On this field trip we will be looking for Marsh Fritillaries in particular, but others that may be seeking out the rich source of nectar on the clifftops include Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary, Small Heaths, Common Blues, Orange-Tips, Small Coppers, and, depending on the weather conditions, the first Clouded Yellows arriving. Doubtless there will also be moths, other invertebrates, birds, and definitely flowers, so bring a camera and a packed lunch as there is plenty to see.
Leader – John Foster. Meet at SW668162, National Trust car park (free) at Predannack Wollas car park. For details and directions, phone John Foster on 01326 280735.

Sunday 5th June – 1:00pm – Greenscoombe Woods, Luckett.

One of Britain’s rarest butterflies, the Heath Fritillary, solely exists in Cornwall in the specially managed habitat, at its original main Cornish colony at Greenscoombe Woods, Luckett after it became extinct there after 2002. After it’s re-introduction to parts of the woodlands in the summer of 2006 it has become re-established and re-colonised it’s former habitat which has been much improved by clearance and regular habitat management work. The butterfly is breeding well in a number of different areas at Greenscoombe Woods and it is always a joy for enthusiasts to visit these woods to marvel at the many Heath Fritillary butterflies that are to be seen throughout June every year. Bring a drink and your camera.
Leader – Robbie Robinson. Meet at SX389737 in Luckett Village free car park.
For details and directions phone Robbie Robinson on 01579 321586.

Monday 13th June – 10:30am – Garrow Tor area of Bodmin Moor.

An excellent discovery by Dave Conway some years ago of a healthy colony of Marsh Fritillaries in a traditional moorland habitat was confirmed to still exist in 2015 by Rob Nicholls. A guided tour of this virtually unknown & isolated locality should prove rewarding & challenging. Target species Marsh fritillary. Stout walking boots/footwear and clothing appropriate to the moors advised, plus water as we will be away from facilities for some time. The Parking is outside of the De Lank Waterworks, just pull off the tarmac track to enjoy free parking.
We then walk in a northerly, then easterly direction for about 1.5 miles over easy moorland grassland; no climbs, just gentle slopes. 3 mile round trip - no alternative routes. There is plenty of free parking available.
Leader –Rob Nicholls. Meet at map ref SX 13148 76701 – For details and directions phone Rob Nicholls on 01726 884600 or 07596 159940.
Saturday 18th June – 8:30pm for 9:00pm start: Par Beach; “Par Beach Moth Night”.

A Mid-summer moth evening kindly hosted by local moth expert, Rob Davey. Please bring a torch, a drink, wrap up well & something to sit or kneel on. There is the prospect of recording many different species of moth here over a few hours and it is hoped that there will be some good migrant moths arrive at the moth lights. Please bring your own moth trap if you have one!
Leader – Rob Davey. Meet at SX087532 in Par Beach main car park at the end by the picnic area where Free parking is available during the evening only.
For details and directions phone Rob Davey on 07530 706859.

Sunday 19th June – 1:00pm Perransands and Penhale Sands, nr. Perranporth.

A Mid-summer ramble over Britain’s highest sand dunes complex to see large numbers of freshly emerged Silver-Studded Blues. We would also hope to see Large Skippers, Small Skippers, Meadow Browns, Common Blues, Dark Green Fritillary, Scarlet Tiger Moth and Humming Bird Hawk-Moth & other scarce moths & plenty of wild flowers. This event always turns up unexpected surprises in moths or butterflies. Please bring plenty to drink, a sun hat, sun protection and good walking boots.
Leaders – Leon Abbott and Lee Slaughter. Meet at SW774553 in lay-by on edge of road opposite the turning to Rose where there is a limited amount of Free parking available.
For details phone Leon Abbott on 01726 76796 or Lee Slaughter on 01726 817505.

Saturday 25th June – 11:00am – Poldice, St Day.

Today we will be searching Heathland on old mining landscape at St Day for newly emerged Silver-Studded Blues of the ‘heathland’ type. These are special for Cornwall as most counties have lost their colonies of this species. Grayling & other summer species such as Small Heath, Large Skipper & Ringlet should be seen too. Walking boots, drink & sun cream essential.
Leader – Keith Wilson. Meet at meet at SW737429 in lay-by near Truro Auctions where parking is Free.
For details and directions phone Keith Wilson on 01209 860298 or 07972 376982.

Wednesday 6th July – 2:00pm Delabole Quarry, Delabole, Nr. Camelford.

This is an excellent site for our fieldtrips and we are grateful to Malcolm Lee for leading this for our group. Previous visits made here by several Cornwall branch members have produced many sightings of Marbled Whites and Graylings which are not often seen on our field meetings. Graylings are not often found inland in Cornwall and the discovery of good numbers at this location is good news for the species in our county where it is now mainly restricted to parts of the coast. Good walking boots essential.
Leader – Malcolm Lee. Meet at SX074836 in Delabole Quarry Car Park by visitor centre.
For details and directions phone Malcolm Lee on 01208 880106.

Saturday 9th July – 11:00am Upton Towans, nr. Hayle.

A delightful walk through the extensive Gwithian to Hayle sand dune complex at Upton Towans. This area, which is managed by C.W.T. was previously the site for the manufacture of dynamite. We usually see significant numbers of newly emerged Dark Green Fritillaries and 100’s of Silver-Studded Blues as well as a wide variety of other butterflies and moths. Bring a packed lunch, drink, sun cream, and walking boots or rainwear if weather is unsettled.
Leader – Alan May. Meet at SW579396 by the gate, in front of the large chimney at the entrance to the Cornwall Wildlife Trust area.
For full details and directions phone Alan May on 01209 821936 or 07787 121043.

Saturday 9th July – 9:30pm Moth Night – St Keyne, Liskeard.

A delightful summer evening moth-ing at the home of Andy Adams. He discovered the very rare Scarce Merville Du Jour in his grounds last summer. He has very kindly offered to host this moth evening to hopefully show Cornwall’s moth enthusiasts this new locality for it. There will also be plenty of Summer moths to record. Please bring your moth traps if you have one!
Leader – Andy Adams. Meet at SX244617 next to Trussel Farm, St Keyne, Liskeard,
PL14 4QL.
Andy’s home is next door to Trussel Barn, a B’n’B.; although the road doesn’t have a name, there is a bridge close by called Trussel Bridge and a wood of the same name. Road is the B3254 and continue out of the village on the way to Liskeard but before the bridge on a tight bend there is a big sign for ‘Trussel Farm’.
For details and exact directions, phone Andy Adams on 01579 208663.

Sunday 10th July – 11:00am Penlee Battery CWT Reserve & Penlee Point.

This reserve usually has excellent numbers of Marbled Whites which are absent from Mid & West Cornwall but often more than 100 can be seen here without much trouble. Small Heath & Dark Green Fritillary as well as Gatekeepers, Large & Small Skippers are always present. Six Belted Clearwing and Thrift Clearwing Moths will be searched for with pheromone lures so please bring your own pheromone lures if you have some..
Leaders – Debi Phillips and Russell Hemmings. Meet at SX436491 in Penlee Battery car cark.
For details and directions phone Debi Phillips on 07967 315239 or Russell on 07782 310777.

Saturday 16th July – 1:00pm Cabilla Wood, Glyn Valley, nr. Bodmin (C.W.T.Reserve).

We look forward to seeing many beautiful Silver-Washed Fritillary butterflies in this well managed woodland and following the exciting discovery in these woods in 2013 of a ‘valezina’ form of the female of this species, we will be eagerly looking out for this rarity again this year! The bright summer form ‘hutchinsoni’ of the Comma butterfly will be on the wing together with plenty of Ringlets, Gatekeepers, new brood Brimstones, Purple Hairstreaks and Summer brood Holly Blues. There are various day flying moths to be seen here so there may be new discoveries awaiting us.
Leader – Dave Conway. Meet at SX128653 by sawmill where parking is free.
For details and directions phone Dave Conway on 01208 77686.

Saturday 16th July – 9:00pm: Bunny’s Hill, nr Cardinham “Bunny’s Hill Moth Night”.

A moth evening kindly hosted by local moth expert Rob Davey. Please bring a torch, a drink, wrap up well & something to sit or kneel on. There is the prospect of recording many different species of moth here over a few hours and it is hoped that there will be some good migrant moths arrive at the moth lights. Bunny’s Hill is an easily accessible site and Rob Davey has recorded an interesting range of moths here during 2015 which bodes well for making further discoveries at this lovely locality. Please bring your own moth trap if you have one!
Leader – Rob Davey. Meet at map ref – SX117675 at fork in road, with plenty of free parking 50 yards up track on the grass on the left.
For details and directions phone Rob Davey on 07530 706859.

Saturday 23rd July – 1:00pm Treslea Downs near Cardinham/St. Neot, Bodmin.

This is a new locality for us to explore. In recent times the exciting discovery of an inland colony of Graylings on Treslea Downs by a member of our group “Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society” has bucked the national trend of mass extinction of inland populations of this species that has now exists very much as a coastal only species in Britain. There may also be Dark Green Fritillaries flying over these downs also. Please wear good walking boots and bring plenty to drink. Afterwards we may drive to Cabilla Woods afterwards for another look at the Silver-Washed Fritillaries.
Leader – Robbie Robinson. Meet at SX135683 (postcode PL30 4DL) near the crossroads at the top of Treslea Downs where there is enough free parking for a number of cars.
For details and directions phone Robbie Robinson on 01579 321586.

Sunday 24th July – 11:00am Trelusback Farm, Penhalvean, Redruth, TR16 6TQ.

We are pleased to invite you to a BBQ and optional Butterfly Walks day at Trelusback.
Trelusback contains wildflower meadows, woodland, wetland and a lake. If the weather is kind visitors can expect to see a wide variety of butterflies, moths, birds, plants and dragonflies & an opportunity to enjoy a walk with your family and friends in lovely surroundings.
A BBQ, tea, coffee, toilets etc. will be provided. In the event of rain we can chat to other conservation minded people in a large barn and/or the house. The previous evening moth traps will be run after dark and in the morning the moths will be identified, recorded and released unharmed.
Meet at 11-00am at Trelusback Farm (shown on the OS map as Trelusback at grid reference SW712384) which is about half a mile from the western end of Stithians Lake and about halfway between Stithians and Redruth. Those with a satnav will be able to use the postcode TR16 6TQ to get to a red telephone box at the end of the driveway to Trelusback. Proceed down this driveway and the barn we are using is about 200 yards past the sandschool and bungalow.
For detailed directions or if you get lost please ‘phone Keith on 01209-860298 or 07972-376982.
Friday 5th August – 9:00pm – Goonhilly Downs Nature Reserve, Lizard Peninsula, (Moth Night).

A high summer moth evening kindly hosted by one of Cornwall’s foremost moth experts, Frank Johns. Please bring a torch, a drink, wrap up well & something to sit or kneel on. There should be plenty of Summer moths to record and hopefully some migrants too!
Leader – Frank Johns. Meet at SW728212 Goonhilly Downs car park (free). For details and directions, phone Frank Johns on 01326 240357.

Saturday 6th August – 11:00am Kynance Cove, nr. The Lizard.

Be prepared for a beautiful walk at this famous locality for Lepidoptera. We hope to see most of the following species: Grayling, Dark Green Fritillary, Clouded Yellow (including ‘Helice’), Small Heath, 2nd brood Small Pearl-Bordered Fritillary, Common Blue, Wall Brown, Painted Lady and Red Admiral. Please bring a packed lunch, drink, sun cream and good walking boots. Park in main Kynance Cove car park (car park fee payable to N.T. unless we can negotiate Free Parking beforehand with the N.Trust) and meet near the toilet block at the Southern end of the car park.
Leaders – Leon Abbott. Meet at SW688132 in main Kynance Cove car park.
For details and directions phone Leon Abbott on 01726 76796.

Sunday 14th August – 11:00am “Polteana”, Sowdens Bridge, West Looe River.

This is a new locality for us to explore. We are very grateful to Sue Netherton for hosting/leading this meeting & walk at her home & the lanes and woods in the vicinity of her home. We would expect to see Silver-Washed Fritillaries, Speckled Woods, Wall Browns & many other species of summer flying species including many species of day flying moths. Wild flowers are also abundant here too. Please bring a packed lunch/picnic although tea/coffee & cold drinks will be on offer by Sue whilst at her home.
Leader – Sue Netherton. Meet at SX231556 (postcode PL13 2GZ) at “Polteana” where there is room for about 10 cars to park at her home.
For details and directions phone Sue Netherton on 01503 265231.


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:25 pm
by lee3764
All enthusiasts are welcome to attend any of our events/meetings FREE of charge and also Free Parking is usually the norm for the locations that we choose for the meeting/fieldtrip.
Have a good season folks.
Lee Slaughter (Fieldtrip/Meeting/Event organiser for Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society).
:D :D :D :D