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micro moth id please.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:35 pm
by Allan.W.
Hello all,
Just been browsing through some old pics ,and I found this one,which I have never been able to identify, I caught it in my garden trap on the 1st of July 2014,the closest I,ve found is Eana penziana SSP.Bellana, although I believe this species has a more northerly bias ,any thoughts please . regards Allan.W.

Re: micro moth id please.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:13 am
by Essex Bertie
Hi Allan,
I've been looking in Sterling & Parsons and I think it's in a tricky group. E. Penziana certainly looks good, but I can see subtle problems with the wing proportion and curves, and as you say, the northern distribution and rarity make it questionable. The Cnephasia sp. look better in terms of wing proportion and distribution but they are highly variable and would appear to require gen. dissection. C. Conspersana or C. stephensiana are possibles and have whiter forms in Kent.

Re: micro moth id please.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:05 pm
by Allan.W.
Hi Rob,
thanks very much for looking at the moth ,like yourself,I was also drawn to page 238 of Sterling and Parsons,and as you say it is indeed a very tricky group , I didn,t mention the size of this moth,i would guess the forewing length to have been around the 18-20 mm mark ,a fairly large micro,the wings do look like C.conspersana, but the wing seems to be more pointed in the illustration of conspersana,thanks again for looking,and I do believe that this moth is on that page somewhere !
Regards Allan W,