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Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 2015

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:09 pm
by Wurzel
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 2015

Week 17

Another week and another step closer to the season beginning - still no butterflies for me so I will just have to continue to enjoy the offerings from 2015 :D

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As like last year details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Have a goodun


Re: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 201

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:46 pm
by MikeOxon
I found lots of SPBF flying at Clatworthy Reservoir, on a warm, sunny afternoon in June. Seeing them was one thing but, as with most Fritillaries, photographing them was a different matter altogether! After a lot of fruitless chasing across the hillside, I finally found this one happily nectaring on a thistle:
Clatworthy Res., Exmoor - 16th June 2015<br />Olympus E-M5 with 40-150mm lens - 1/640s@f/9 ISO400
Clatworthy Res., Exmoor - 16th June 2015
Olympus E-M5 with 40-150mm lens - 1/640s@f/9 ISO400

Re: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 201

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:37 pm
by David M
My first SPBF of 2015 was on a cool and overcast morning in late May on Fairwood Common near to Swansea airport.

A brief sunny spell saw it take flight to catch my attention, but when the cloud obscured the sun, it soon went torpid which allowed a very close approach:

Re: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 201

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:05 pm
by millerd
I missed out on this species this year because of a dodgy starter motor - I didn't fancy being stuck in the car park at Bentley Wood where I have no phone signal! Anyway, here's one I have always liked from way back in 2010 same spot, 26th May.
SPBF20 260510.jpg

Re: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 201

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:37 pm
by Neil Freeman
My 2015 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillaries were all seen during our week down on The Lizard in Cornwall in early June. Most were seen on a couple of walks along the coast path between Kynance Cove and Lizard Point although I also saw them at a few other sites on The Lizard plus at Upton Towans on the north coast.
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 03.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 03.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 03.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 03.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 03.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 03.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 04.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 04.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 04.06.2015
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - The Lizard 04.06.2015


Re: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 201

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:28 pm
by Chris Jackson
Above, some great photos of Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Unfortunately in the South of France I am below the lower limit of the range for this butterfly, so I can but admire your postings.
Thanks, Chris

Re: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Favourite Photo of 201

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:59 pm
by Wurzel
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary

This year as well as trying to add to my ‘in cop’, ‘aberrant’ and ‘stained glass’ collections I was also starting up a new one – ‘close-ups’. And that is why this is my favourite Small Pearl of 2015 because it was as close as I could get and revealed the fantastic curled proboscis. This shot had some serious competition as there was the stained glass on a Bluebell plus some lovely fresh second brood individuals from my trip to the Czech Republic!
117 - Copy-001.JPG
Have a goodun
