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Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:46 pm
by kevling
Here follows the final installment from my holiday in the South of France. Our second week was spent in Theoule Sur Mer on the bay of Cannes. The heat was more intense here and I found that sheltered spots yielded better chances of butterflies settling (along with walks at breakfast and late afternoon).

This first batch was taken a short stroll from my apartment

P406 Wall Brown- Theoule.JPG
P413 Scarce Swallowtail- Theoule.JPG
P349 Lang's Short Tailed Blue.JPG
P375 Geranium Bronze - Theole.JPG
P421 Geranium Bronze- Theoule.JPG
P414 Geranium Bronze- Theoule.JPG
P419 Geranium Bronze- Theoule.JPG
P259 Spotted Frit- Theoule.JPG
P261 Spotted Frit- Theoule.JPG
P367 Spotted Frit- Theoule.JPG
We explored the Esterel Coastline and whilst preparing for a swim, a pair of STRIPED GRAYLINGS joined us on the beach.
P320 Striped Graylings- Esterel.JPG
P321 Striped Graylings- Esterel.JPG
Further along the coast at Agay the following were seen
P346 Southern White Admiral- Agay.JPG
P343 Purple Hairstreak- Agay.JPG
P333 Spotted Frit- Agay.JPG
P334 Spotted Frit- Agay.JPG
P331 f Southern Gatekeeper - Agay.JPG
We visited Lac Du Cassien to catch up with TWO TAILED PASHA. This is normally a reliable site although on this occasion only a couple were seen. Sorry about the quality of the second image, but I just swung my camera more in hope than anything and got it in flight
P358 Two Tailed Pasha- Lac de st Cassien.JPG
P357 Two Tailed Pasha- Lac de St Cassien.JPG
Visiting the tiny island of St Honorat, we were surprised to see it awash with CLEOPATRA
P299 Cleopatra- St Honorat.JPG
P300 Cleopatra- St Honorat.JPG
MALLOW SKIPPER - Fort Carre, Antibes
P394 Mallow Skipper - Antibes.JPG
And finally all though not Butterflies, I did enjoy the large number of Dragonflies seen. SCARLET DARTER followed by RED VEINED DARTER.
P252 Scarlet Darter - Cannes.JPG
P426 f Red Veined Darter - Theole.JPG
Regards Kev

Re: Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 3:55 pm
by Chris Jackson
A good set of classic Mediterranean butterflies, Kev.
That Purple Hairstreak is hard to find near Marseilles, though, so I'm a bit green :mrgreen: .
Thanks for sharing your holiday photos with us.
Cheers, Chris

Re: Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:07 pm
by David M
Your first Spotted Frit looks like an ab with those bold upperwing markings.

Re: Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:34 pm
by Charles Nicol
delightful pics Kev !

i especially liked this one:
P367 Spotted Frit- Theoule.JPG
P367 Spotted Frit- Theoule.JPG (39.35 KiB) Viewed 418 times

Re: Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:46 pm
by kevling
Charles,Chris- Thanks for your kind comments :D
David - Thanks for pointing out the ab. I hadn't spotted that :oops:

Re: Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:47 pm
by LancsRover
High quality butterflies and photo's Kev. I know it's hard work in the baking heat.

Re: Sightings - South Of France Part 5

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:36 pm
by kevling
Russ, thanks, glad you enjoyed them. It was hard work in the heat, but someone had to do it :lol:
