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Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:51 pm
by MikeOxon
For those who may have missed spotting it : Susie posted the following in the 2014 thread:

Postby Susie ยป Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:10 pm
Right then chaps, I know the season is still in full swing and I rather let the side down last year but who is for a meet up this winter? Same place as usual, last Saturday in November? Any takers?

I guess that means 28th November at the 'Old Forge', Otterbourne.

I'm hoping to make it, this year :)

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:18 pm
by Mark Tutton
Count me in please :D
Mark T

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:09 pm
by bugboy
Well originally I said I couldn't make but having looked on google maps it seems it's not as far as I thought it was. That combined with bumping into Susie at Denbies this afternoon and getting a lift back to Box Hill station (saving me an hours walk) means I definately owe her at least one drink so it seems I'll be there :) !

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:56 pm
by Paul Harfield
Looking forward to it already :D

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:39 am
by Susie
Thank you Mike for starting the thread. :D :D

Yes Saturday 28 November 2015 1pm - 5pm.

Hello everyone, above is the link to the pub. As always it is a very informal event. We meet approximately between 1pm and 5pm and people are welcome to pop in as and when they want.You can eat in the restaurant or there is also bar food (if the kitchen is working!) but I won't be booking any tables before hand. It has always been a lovely few hours meeting up with likeminded people.

So please just turn up on the day if you can. You don't have to list your interest here although it is nice to see who is coming along. Thank you to everyone who has already said they can make it. At some point I'll put together a list.

Buggy, I am glad you introduced yourself and it was my pleasure to help. :D

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:25 am
by Susie
Pete Eeles
John W
P J Underwood
Mark Tutton

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:06 pm
by Wurzel
Please put me on the list too and I'm sure Philzoid will be coming along.

Have a goodun


Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:45 pm
by Susie
Excellent. It will be good to see you both, Wurzel.
Pete Eeles
John W
P J Underwood
Mark Tutton
philzoid (?)

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:42 pm
by Philzoid
Sorry for the delay. Yes Saturday the 28th should be fine for me :D

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:36 am
by dilettante
I'm hoping to make it too. I'll be in the area that weekend.

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:11 pm
by essexbuzzard
We are hoping to make it,too! :)

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:31 pm
by Susie
Excellent. It should be a great gathering! :)

Pete Eeles
John W
P J Underwood
Mark Tutton
Essex Buzzard

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:20 am
by Susie
Just a reminder that there is just a week to go!

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:27 am
by Neil Hulme
A shame that I'll miss this again, but I'm following the Long-tailed Blue down to The Canaries. 8)
BWs, Neil

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:27 pm
by Jack Harrison
Neil said:
....following the Long-tailed Blue down to The Canaries.
You make it sound as if you have fitted an individual butterfly with a tracker :!:

I think I asked a similar question before:
Will technology ever reach the point where radio trackers can be fitted to butterflies as is done with [admittedly larger] birds?


Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:40 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Jack,
Jack Harrison wrote:Will technology ever reach the point where radio trackers can be fitted to butterflies as is done with [admittedly larger] birds?
Using micro-transmitters, it's already being done with bees and dragonflies so I see no reason why it couldn't be done successfully with the larger lepidoptera. You may find this technology is already being used with species such as Monarch and Swallowtail.

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:08 pm
by Susie
Neil Hulme wrote:A shame that I'll miss this again, but I'm following the Long-tailed Blue down to The Canaries. 8)
BWs, Neil
We will get you there one year! :lol: have a lovely holiday.

I've just realised this is the fifth annual get together! Where have the years gone?


Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:39 pm
by essexbuzzard
Sadly,i'm going to have to pull out. We have a conservation day for Essex heath fritillaries on Sunday. I can only get one day of the weekend off work and,as the fritillaries crashed at most of their Essex sites this year,due to lack of management,this unfortunately will have to take priority.

I hope you all have a very good day,be nice to see a picture or two!

Cheers, Mark.

Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:01 pm
by millerd
That's a real shame, Mark. However, I can see where your priorities are! :)

We'll raise a glass or two to you and the Essex Heath Fritillaries, never fear.


Re: Winter Get-together 2015

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:46 am
by Susie
Yes, a real shame you can't make it but hopefully you can join us next time.