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butterflies of fuerteventura

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:42 pm
by martin bevan
hello every one. i just come back from fuerteventura on holidays and butterflies were very scarces. i so four diffrent butterflies in total and id the first two as being painted lady and gerranium bronze. the last two give problems. as they would not stay still. the first was big and orange and some black on the outer part of the wing and i think plain tiger or africa monarch.the last one was small and green yellow and it had a very fast wing beat. any help would be great and next i will have to take a net with me.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:15 pm
by Danny
The Greeny yellow one was a "Greenish Black Tip", I've spotted that species in Fuertaventura myself in Feb.
