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High Brown Fritillary Sites in the South West

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:18 pm
by Gnome
There's a chance that I may be heading down to Cornwall next week in which case I thought that I might stop off en route to see if I can catch up with some High Brown Fritillaries somewhere. What are the most reliable sites in the south west that aren't too far off the main A30 or A38 routes to the south west?



Re: High Brown Fritillary Sites in the South West

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:24 am
by Stuart17
Hi Adam
Aish Tor is a very well known and good site to see both high brown and dark green fritillaries together, its on Dartmoor off the A38 near Ashburton in Devon. More details are on the Devon Butterflies website.
I visited the site for the first time last year on July 1st and had a fantastic day, getting excellent views of both species along with a silver washed fritilary and a pearl bordered sp. fritillary, small heath and green hairstreak.
Some photos of my day are on my blog - stuartswildlifediary.
Good luck!

Re: High Brown Fritillary Sites in the South West

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:33 pm
by Mark Tutton
Heddon Valley has also been throwing up really good numbers this year 100+ in one day to Matthew Oates
Kind regards