
Discussion forum for any overseas items (given that this is a "UK" butterflies forum!).
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Tony Moore
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Post by Tony Moore »

Hi Y'all,

Just back from a week in the Dolomites - I should be so lucky :mrgreen: , but, at least, I know it... I stayed in Soraga at the Arnica Mountain Hotel, a gem of a place with sensational food and very reasonable prices - end of commercial break!

The meadow at the top of the Vigo funiculare was positively heaving with butterflies :D . Mainly Shepherd's Fritillary with some Mountain Frit (as evinced by about one in 20 or so being greyish females. Also saw debilis and a couple of Heath Frits and plenty of Alpine Heaths :

Shepherd's Frit :
The bluish cast on freshly eclosed female Mountain Frits is seriously beautiful, but difficult to catch adequately in a photograph ( for me, anyway :oops: ).

The underside is much greyer than Shepherd's:
I went back to a place in the Costalunga Pass, where I found a worn Asian Fritillary last year. Delighted to find a much fresher specimen, which was very obliging:
Any comments on the napea/pales issue would be very welcome.

More later...

Tony M.
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Tony Moore
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Re: Dolomites

Post by Tony Moore »

I went up to the Buffaure by cablecar from Pozza and was pleased to see a few Alpine Blues - a new butterfly for me:
Then took the ski lift to the top where this appeared! :

Cynthia's Fritillary
A real bonus :D . Despite going up there four more times and virtually camping out, I never saw it again :( .

The Val Veneggia produced some stunning scenery and a good showing of Titania's Frits in fresh condition along with the, by now, usual Mountain/Shepherd's problems...
Last year, I was a week earlier and only saw a couple of dozen Frits all week...

A little restaurant garden near Bolzano had a few Buddleia bushes, which were alive with stuff. Nothing rare, but this beauty appeared for just long enough:

Scarce Swallowtail:
At the top of the San Pelegrino lift, it was very barren, but I saw this skipper:
I think it may be Dusky Grizzled, but would appreciate confirmation or otherwise.

Further down the hill were a number of Mountain Clouded Yellows ~ this is a crap photo, but it does show the upperside:
Last two are for ID please. I think the Ringlet may be Almond-eyed, but have no idea about the Lycaenid:
Wonderful area - hope to be back next year.

Tony M.
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Re: Dolomites

Post by Padfield »

Hi Tony. Lovely pictures. Your Lycaenid is sooty copper and the skipper is, as you thought, dusky grizzled.

Guy's Butterflies:
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon :
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Tony Moore
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Re: Dolomites

Post by Tony Moore »

Many thanks, once again, Guy. Should have got SC :oops: .

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