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(Dordogne) Hairstreak and Blue IDs if possible, please

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:54 pm
by Trik
Taken in the Dordogne in the middle of June this year.
hairstreak query.jpg
False Ilex? But maybe too far north for this.
hairstreak query_2.jpg
Sloe, or worn Ilex?
blue query.jpg
Another Blue without cell spot; Escher's, Chapman's, Common Blue? No upper wing, unfortunately.

Many thanks

Re: (Dordogne) Hairstreak and Blue IDs if possible, please

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:27 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi Trik,
Pending the arrival of an expert, I will place my bets on:
1. Ilex (I would have said False Ilex but this may be too far North as you say)
2. Blue-spot (with a faded blue spot) (down my way these 2 species always seem to co-habitate on all sites)
3. Escher's (a wild guess, and due to distribution) (Common would have a cell spot, non ?) :D
Good luck,

Re: (Dordogne) Hairstreak and Blue IDs if possible, please

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:51 am
by Padfield
Sorry - I missed this one.

1. I agree with Chris that this is an ilex hairstreak.

2. Sloe hairstreak.

3. I agree with Escher's.


Re: (Dordogne) Hairstreak and Blue IDs if possible, please

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:14 pm
by Trik
Thanks Chris and Guy. I am pleased that #2 is a Sloe H/s, even if it is rather worn, and it's good to have another Escher's, but I shall have to get upperwing next year...

Thanks again