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Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:02 am
by CJB
Good morning UK B'ers,

I managed to grab 30 minutes at Bramshott Common in a quest to tick off a lifer; my first SSB.

I found patches where there were a number of blues but to the untrained (!) eye I couldn't see the silver studs on the wings and presumed that I had stumbled on a large colony of common blues. Would I be the only person to go there and not find them!? :oops:

However, having reviewed my photos (on the iPhone, of course!!) I think I may have snapped my quarry, in which case I am over the moon. :D

Please can the more qualified amongst you, (basically all of you!) have a look and confirm if they are indeed SSB's.
SSB 1?
SSB 1?
SSB 2?
SSB 2?
SSB 3?
SSB 3?
Thank you in advance for putting me out of my misery!!

Flutter on!


Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:41 am
by Neil Hulme
By the powers vested in me by UK Butterflies, you are hereby released from your state of misery - these are indeed Silver-studded Blues.
BWs, Neil

Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:56 pm
by CJB
Thank you Neil!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Now for the elusive (to me!) DGF, HBF, WLH and BH, amongst others!

Flutter on!


Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:16 pm
by MikeOxon
I remember when I first saw S-sBlues at Silchester Common, many years ago, I was disappointed that none of my photos showed any sign of studs! Last week, when I was there, the studs on many specimens were glowing in the sunshine and really did look like silver! Do these things vary year by year, depending on weather conditions?

Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:47 am
by CJB
Hi Mike,

I must admit that it completely threw me. I read other posts saying 'I turned up, walked from the car-park and they were everywhere'. So, when I arrived I thought that I just kept finding common blues and was generally throwing my toys when I couldn't find them. :evil: :evil:

Really pleased to have ticked a new one off the list and now on to the others eluding me. As a Gloucs local, where would you recommend for a dead cert DGF near Cirenceser?

Flutter on!


Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:23 am
by MikeOxon
'Dead certs' are tricky - otherwise our hobby would not be so interesting!

Leckhampton Hill, just South of Cheltenham. was always a good place for me, though I've not been there for a few years.

Recently, Jack Harrison wrote to me, suggesting that Swift's Hill SO876066 (near Slad) was a good place for DGFs. Others who live more locally to you may well have many other suggestions. Good luck :)

Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:26 am
by CJB
Hi Mike,

A wise caveat there!!

I will investigate your suggestions and report back.

Flutter on!


Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:59 am
by David M
There are usually a few DGFs on Daneway Banks (Silver Washed too in the areas adjacent to mature trees).

Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:02 pm
by CJB
Thank you David!

I am local to Daneway Banks (spoiling) and have tried in vain for DGF's there.

I hope I can break my duck this year!

Flutter on!


Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by Pete Eeles
MikeOxon wrote:Leckhampton Hill, just South of Cheltenham. was always a good place for me, though I've not been there for a few years.
Hi Mike - although I was born less than a mile away (in Warden Hill in Cheltenham), I lived in Leckhampton through the 1960s up until 1981 when I went to university, returning to nearby Charlton Kings before moving to Thatcham in 1995. My family has a long history of living in Leckhampton; the Cotswolds (in general) are my spiritual home and are responsible for me becoming seriously interested in nature. I have so many stories that I could tell that I'd still be here at midnight writing this, but won't! But it is, indeed, a small world :)


- Pete

Re: Confirmation of SSB

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:57 pm
by Glostopcat
Prestbury Hill near Cheltenham is a good place to see Dark Green Fritillaries they can be found all over the reserve especially where there is knapweed growing. I would suggest that is the best place to see them in Gloucestershire. They were on the wing in great numbers in the last couple of summers. I'm hoping to visit this site again next week. Leckhampton Hill used to be a good place to see wall browns too, although i haven't seen any at this site in the last couple of years though.