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painted lady`s and silver y`s

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:10 pm
by roundwood123
This is my first post say i shall take the opportunity to say hi to everyone and tell you all about a wonderful wildlife encounter i had in late july of this year whilst out cycling, a local farmer plants Borage in 4 large fields near where i live every couple of years or so and it looks great when its in flower, but this particular week in july it looked particularly good as it had attracted Painted Lady`s and silver y`s in mind boggling numbers, i have never seen anything like it has anyone else?, the spectacle lasted for about 5 days as they seemed to dipearse

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:29 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi - and welcome to the forum!

This year has been pretty spectacular for migrants. In fact, I've not experienced one like 2006 for some considerable time. Even rarities such as Long-tailed Blue, Queen of Spain Fritillary and Pale Clouded Yellow have been observed. Not to mention the Camberwell Beauty invasion - the largest since 1995!

I'm guessing that what you've seen (do you live near the coast?) is an influx of new migrants from the continent that feed up, and then move on. A pretty amazing spectacle nonetheless!


- Pete