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A Brown Argus or a Female Common Blue Butterfly Please?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:09 am
by Mike Robinson
I apologise for intruding but we spotted the Butterfly in the attached picture in Petts Wood (LB of Bromley in SE London) on Sunday. It was fairly close to a male Common Blue Butterfly and although Brown Argus Butterfly crossed my mind I assumed on reflection that I was looking at a female Common Blue Butterfly. I wonder; is it possible to tell the true identification from this picture please?

I haven't seen many Brown Argus Butterflies; just one or two I think. But I'm now wondering if it is a Brown Argus Butterfly. The black speck on the wing might perhaps be of consequence? Leading me to a Brown Argus Butterfly?

A million thanks in advance ~ Mike ...

Re: A Brown Argus or a Female Common Blue Butterfly Please?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:19 am
by Pete Eeles
Hi Mike - you're not intruding at all; this is exactly what the forums are for! I believe this is a male Brown Argus. Some ID features are given here: ... %20Species

In addition, the abdomen (given that it's protruding past the wing edges) leads me to think that it's long and slender, and not short and stubby (and filled with eggs) and, therefore, a male - in which case, it can't be anything other than a Brown Argus.


- Pete

Re: A Brown Argus or a Female Common Blue Butterfly Please?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:20 am
by Mike Robinson
Pete: Thanks very much.

Kind regards ~ Mike ...