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A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:24 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi folks.
Here we are for a week's holiday in the Aveyron départment, in France.
We are staying in the medieval village of Najac, in the middle of nowhere:
Location Najac - Aveyron1.JPG
It is cloudy and rainy but mild with sunny spells, and during one of these spells I managed to find a spot in an overgrown field that attracts Sooty Copper - a new species for me. The conditions were such that I managed to get male and female upperside and underside views in just one photo session. :D
tityrus5_12 male Najac 05 May 2015 (2).JPG
tityrus5_12 male Najac 05 May 2015 (1).JPG
tityrus4_12 female Najac 05 May 2015 (2).JPG
tityrus4_12 female Najac 05 May 2015 (1).JPG
Abandoned overgrown field with Sooty Coppers:
context Najac1 (2).JPG
Grassy patches within the overgrown field, about 8 meters in diameter, each patrolled by a male Sooty Copper.
context - Najac 05 May 2015 (1).JPG
However, here is the problem, I also spotted this butterfly which intrigues me. It was in the same field as the Sooty Coppers, and was the same size as them. At a first glance the markings reminded me of a Small Copper, but this individual was as big as a Sooty. Could it be an oversize Small Copper, or an aberrant Sooty Copper? It was BIG compared to those Small Coppers I usually see in the Med :shock: . Comments welcome:
Copper1 (2).JPG
Copper1 (1).JPG
Cheers, Chris

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 8:01 pm
by David M
Small Coppers vary in size, Chris. I've seen tiny ones and I've also seen large ones.

At Glasdrum Wood last May I saw a Small Copper so big that I initially thought it was a Cinnabar moth!

What's interesting is how scanty the markings are on this individual for a southern French phlaeas. Usually, they're much bolder than their UK counterparts.

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:35 am
by Chris Jackson
Hi David,
The markings are scanty, however I will class this individual as a Small Copper.

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:11 pm
by Charles Nicol
an excellent read Chris ! i look forward to seeing more pics of the unfeasibly large butterflies of Najac :P

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 7:16 pm
by Chris Jackson
Charles Nicol wrote:an excellent read Chris ! i look forward to seeing more pics of the unfeasibly large butterflies of Najac :P
Hi there Charles,
Regarding the "Small" Copper above, I think that the butterflies in this region must feed very well to reach such a size :shock: .

(Talking about feeding well, tomorrow, instead of self-catering, we humans hope to be eating out and feasting on local Canard confit (duck) and 'aligot'. Miam miam!!. 8) ).

Meanwhile, in the same abandoned field as the Sooty Coppers above, I think I've found Heath Fritillaries although I'm not 100% sure:
1st individual - male ?:
athalia4_12 male Najac 05 May 2015 (1).JPG
I don't remember :oops: but this underside possibly belongs to the 1st individual :
athalia4_12 male Najac 05 May 2015 (2).JPG
2nd individual - female ?:
athalia3_12 female Najac 05 May 2015.JPG
This is the Château of Najac, overlooking the medieval village near where we are staying:
Chateau de Najac 04 mai 2015 (1).JPG
More about 'aligot' tomorrow :wink: .
Cheers, Chris

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 7:45 pm
by Padfield
I would say those are both male heath fritillaries.


Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 8:08 pm
by Chris Jackson
Thanks Guy.
One individual appears a little darker than the other, though I admit there is little in it.
I must try other spots in the vicinity tomorrow whilst the weather holds.
Cheers, Chris

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 8:50 pm
by David M
If Heath Fritillaries are just emerging, Chris, I expect you to be almost sick of the sight of them in a few days.

They really are beyond ubiquitous in southern France come late spring and through early to mid summer.

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 5:47 pm
by Charles Nicol
am really enjoying these pics. is that a river below the village ?

i had aligot in Montpellier... it certainly fills you up 8)


Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 4:15 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi David,
Yesterday the Heath Fritillaries were certainly in number and 'getting in the way' slightly, along with the Glanvilles.

Yes, Charles,
The Château of Najac is situated in a meander of the Aveyron river and is protected on nearly all sides by it. A train line also runs alongside the river. I recommend a visit to the top of the tower with the view all around :) .

Well that about wraps up our week in Najac. The only remarkable species of butterfly for me were the Sooty Copper and Heath Fritillary :D . Apart from that I saw Small Copper, Small Heath, Common Blue, Glanville, Wood White, Wall, 1 Swallowtail + 1 Scarce Swallowtail = nothing out of the ordinary for France. I was hoping for something more exotic in this area, but this was only 1 week out of a whole season :cry: .

Small Heath:
pamphilus10_12 Najac 07 May 2015.JPG
Eating out for the gourmets - this is for Charles :wink: :
Starters - Salade de Gésiers (duck's stomach salad):
Salade gesiers.JPG
Mains - Canard confit (duck) and aligot
(aligot is basically mashed spuds with left-over cheese mixed in (no wasted cheese) - this, amongst others, is what gives the people of the Aveyron their national reputation of being 'very close to their money').
Canard et aligot.JPG
Pud - Croustillade aux pommes (apple tart):
Croustillant aux pommes.JPG
Can't wait to get back to Marseilles 8) and see what's new on the BF scene - Meadow Browns should be out now :D .
Cheers, Chris

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:41 pm
by Charles Nicol
thanks for the foodie pics Chris !

i came across Salade de Gésiers in Carcassonne... unusual :shock:

aligot is nice with a crisp white wine ?

the apple croustillade looks scrumptieux :wink:

hope to see some more of your butterflies soon


Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:46 pm
by Tony Moore
Most French supermarkets carry tinned confit de gesiers (gizzards to them as speaks English). They are very cheap and absolutely delicious. Always worth bringing a couple of tins back :D .

Antoine M.

Re: A week in Najac, in the Aveyron, France

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 9:06 pm
by David M
Much as I love France, these are definitely not on my shopping list. :shock: