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Early stage larva ID please

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:11 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi there,
I would like an opinion on the ID of this larva on Buckler's Mustard (Biscutella Laevigata) in the South of France - 26th April.
It may be the larva of either Provence Orange Tip or Western Dappled White, or, perhaps, something else ?
This is the host plant:
euphenoides - larva15 - context - P Bruyères 26 Apr 2015 (2).JPG
This is the context in the Parc des Bruyères in Marseilles:
euphenoides - larva15 - context - P Bruyères 26 Apr 2015 (1).JPG
Here is the Caterpillar (quite small - possibly 1st or 2nd instar) on the host plant:
euphenoides - larva14 on Biscutella laevigata P Bruyères 26 Apr 2015.JPG
Photos taken with a Panasonic FZ150. :roll:
Thanks, Chris

Re: Early stage larva ID please

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:57 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi Chris,

i would say your larva is a 1st instar Provence Orange-tip, that is very close to it's first moult. I went on a hunch, because the caterpillar looks like a late 1st instar Orange-tip larva and found a picture very similar to your photo on Google.

All the best, Nick.

Re: Early stage larva ID please

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:06 pm
by Chris Jackson
Thanks, Nick,
Provence OT seems logical to me.
Cheers, Chris