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A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 3:27 pm
by Tony Moore
Just back from a few days near Silves in the Algarve. Sadly, didn't manage to find Spanish Fritillary ( my main target ) - I was a little early, I guess. On the way from Faro, I went up the Roches de Pena with a phenomenal view over the surounding country from the top. There were a number of Spanish Festoons flying around, but most were past there best. I finally found one reasonable one:
There were a few Lycaenids flying around the path. Sorry for poor shot, it was getting late. Is this Black-eyed Blue? I'd not seen it before:
Back by the car I was surprised to see an early male Aetherie Fritillary, already with a piece out of its hindwing.

The hills north of Silves are a reliable area for Provencal Frit - they were seen in several different sites:

Spanish Marbled White was also fairly common, but difficult to approach:
I saw one Monarch swooping around a garage forecourt, but it didn't stop :( .

A lovely, quiet area with few cars, especially this early in the season.

Tony M.

Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:49 pm
by Charles Nicol
Great photos Tony !! I will leave your blue ID to the experts :wink:


Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:03 pm
by Padfield
Yes for black-eyed blue - but what a fantastic photo of Provençal frit! Absolutely classic!


Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:00 pm
by David M
Agreed. Lovely images, particularly the stunning Provençal Frit and the Spanish Marbled White.

Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:16 pm
by Tony Moore
Thanks for the ID and kind comments, gents..

I was lucky with the PF. When I arrived at the site - a zig-zag track up a hillside - I found that the first bit had been completely grubbed out to widen the track. Fortunately, the frits had just moved further up. The one photographed was absolutely fresh, wings barely dry, but it was on the edge of a 30ft drop! A bit hairy for this old f*** :roll: . I managed one shot with my foot over the edge and decided that discretion etc., etc....
Incidentally, the Spanish Festoon has to be the most disappointing butterfly I have ever seen! All the photographs show a coruscating harlequinade of colour, and when you see that actual butterfly, it's quite a small, dingy yellowish creature, flapping about in a desultry fashion, hardly worthy of note.

Tony M.

Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:56 pm
by Chris Jackson
Tony Moore wrote: ... the Spanish Festoon has to be the most disappointing butterfly I have ever seen ...
Tony M.
I know what you mean, Tony, only close-ups of Festoons really give them photographic value. Yours is good even so :) . Be proud.

Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:47 pm
by David M
Not sure about this! I was rapt with mine last week (although it was my first ever so maybe I'm biased).

Re: A few days in the Algarve

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:35 am
by Jack Harrison
Spanish Festoon disappointing?

By sheer fluke, while tidying up yesterday, I have come across a Spanish Festoon in my house here on Mull. Don't get too excited - it's not a new Hebridean species. I now recall the story.

I was on holiday in Spain circa April 1995. I saw plenty of Festoons (and that other delightful local speciality, Azure-winged Magpie). I came across a dead Festoon, took it carefully back to the Paradores Hotel where we were staying, "acquired" a small plastic soap container and my Festoon has been in that ever since. I had completely forgotten about it until yesterday.

It still looks beautiful.
