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Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:20 pm
by Crispin
We all know that males emerge before the females – usually.
But in warmer areas such as southern Europe is the time difference between emergence of the sexes lesser?

With Chalkhill, for example, I would expect to see the first female 5 to 7 days after a male. But in warmer years that could be less with both M&F emerging at almost the same time? Is this so and why?

Re: Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:25 am
by Chris Jackson
Hello Crispin,

I spotted my first male Orange Tip near home on the outskirts of Marseilles on April 4th.
Today is April 15th and I havn't yet seen a female. I must say that unfortunately I can't cover exactly the same patch each day (work / home patches). :(
To be scientifically accurate I would have to cover the same patch each day, but I will come back to this thread when I spot my first female. :D

Re: Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:56 am
by Mark Senior
Agree that this seems to be a general rule , but strangely the first sighting of a Grizzled Skipper this year at Mill Hill , Shoreham ( a well visited site ) was a female and she was egg laying .

Re: Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:18 pm
by Philzoid
I've only seen one Orange-tip this year in an area that they are regularly seen and it was a female(?)


Re: Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:12 pm
by essexbuzzard
Usurally it is males that emerge first,but not always- my first Large White this year was female, as was my first home Orange Tip which i reared last year.

Re: Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:07 pm
by Crispin
Interesting. How many Large Whites & Orange Tips did you rear? And any idea what % were M&F?

Re: Timing of emergence in Males and Females

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:46 pm
by kevling

I have reared Large Whites this year (see my PD for more details).
Although I will post a finished report, currently 13 have emerged in the last week and the females have it by a majority of 7/6.

Kind Regards