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Silver-studded Election

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:04 am
by Jack Harrison
There is a disquieting rumour about one of the party manifestos. In the interests of fairness, as this is just a rumour it would not be right to say which party. But in any case, I am not a great enthusiast for manifestos. They offer the same thrill as “Poultry and Duck Keeping Quarterly” or even – having just read it – H.G.Wells’s “War of the Worlds” (don’t bother!) So I haven't actually been able to track down the details behind the rumour.

Apparently in the section “Climate Change” there are some proposals on managing increased summer heat and the attendant risk of wildfires. It seems that where a high fire risk area is adjacent to housing, a 500 metre clear belt will be established by ploughing (my emphasis). Although apparently not specific in detail, high fire risk areas would presumably imply scrub and heathland, for example.

Ploughing up heathland would be disaster for Silver-studded Blue. Places like Stedham Common (west of Midhurst), Fairmile Common (Surrey) would be virtually destroyed.
There is nothing said about how the ploughed firebreaks would subsequently be used but it doesn’t need too much imagination - yet more houses. So the firebreaks gets pushed back and back.

If anyone can give chapter and verse of the manifesto proposals, then I am sure we would all be most interested and thus be armed with facts to tackle our candidates and ASK AWKWARD QUESTIONS.


Re: Silver-studded Election

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:16 pm
by Gruditch
Hang on, what's the date :lol:

Regards Gruditch

Re: Silver-studded Election

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:50 pm
by JohnR
Jack Harrison wrote: Although apparently not specific in detail, high fire risk areas would presumably imply scrub and heathland, for example....
There is nothing said about how the ploughed firebreaks would subsequently be used but it doesn’t need too much imagination.
Typical political statement taken out of context or just selectively quoted. The party's statement went on to say that the heathland would be looked after by scrub-nurses because of the current surfeit of experienced staff in the health service.