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Bawsey Pits Norfolk

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:29 am
by Jack Harrison
Good opportunity to have conservation input into what is thought to be location of Grizzled and Dingy Skipper ... _1_3927475

The Eastern Daily Press never appreciates the importance of maps (despite some lobbying from me) or giving some indication of location.
I happen to know where Bawsey is (having lived not far away) but not everyone would.
So here is the map reference TF674196 which suggests it already is a Country Park :?: (Just east of King's Lynn)


Re: Bawsey Pits Norfolk

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:58 pm
by NickB
My son has just moved to a job in local government as a Conservation Officer. He finds that there is NO budget for him to use, as it is all "outsourced" to contractors (who are ******** useless) as profit is their first concern, not conservation. He is expected to raise other funds through developing projects with outside bodies, so I can see that any outsider would be welcomed. The question is, do they really have conservation as their first priority.....?
From the above link, there seems scepticism of the company and individual involved.....

Re: Bawsey Pits Norfolk

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:40 am
by HarassedDad
Norfolk BC had a good relationship with the original extraction company and have done scrub clearance there for the skippers. We're hopeful for the new owners: the skippers are mainly in two small discrete areas, so they should be able to co-exist with everything else, given good will.