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Natural World - The appeal of Butterflies

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:19 am
by kevling
Hi everyone and Merry Christmas.

For all you early risers (or those with Sky+), Natural World - The appeal of Butterflies is on BBC 2 (Sunday 21st December @ 06:35). Taking a look at Britain's Butterflies, it was first shown in 2010, so well worth another look.

Regards Kev

Re: Natural World - The appeal of Butterflies

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:42 pm
by EricY
Somehow I missed this post yesterday but was up in time to flick through channels & find it in time to see 2nd half. Then went to "catch up" on Sky & watched the whole programme again, enjoyable way to start a dull December sunday. Eric

Re: Natural World - The appeal of Butterflies

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:23 pm
by David M
I remember watching this programme first time round (although that was before I met the 'Mighty Kipper', aka Neil Hulme).

My only criticism is that its central theme seems to wish to portray butterfly enthusiasts as 'eccentrics'.

A similar documentary on dog breeders or sports obsessives would NOT seek to highlight such a theme.

Re: Natural World - The appeal of Butterflies

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:56 am
by Pete Eeles