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White-letter Hairstreak life cycle video

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:55 pm
by Vince Massimo
A wonderful 15 minute video showing the life cycle of this species. Made by VarWild and filmed entirely in the wild in France. It includes footage of a larva pupating in leaf litter at the base of the host plant, which differs from the usual behaviour commonly reported in related literature.

Thanks go to Roger Gibbons for drawing it to our attention.

Re: White-letter Hairstreak life cycle video

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:26 am
by PhilBJohnson
As the content of this video is so exceptionally good, I really have to be very, very careful with any constructive criticisms.
I have watched this video twice now and really enjoyed it. I particularly liked watching the butterfly emerging and wing drying towards the end of the video.
In my opinion, overall this video should get the highest praise.
I want to give a few of my thoughts as to how I think this video could be improved but before I do so, I would like you to understand that I am coming from the perspective of only having ever seen a grand total of 1 White-letter Hairstreak and that was last year :). So I am not an expert and this video has clearly been made by experts.
I think the tree-top behaviour could be seen more clearly with a longer lens but I understand how hard this is (without digital zoom :)).
The next stage could be to get a narrator if you can find someone with the right voice (this is something I am not very good at) This could reduce the length of the video by removing at least some of text, maybe also helping the video to "flow" a bit better. My personal preference is to present the whole thing widescreen (without the black bars either side). That could be a "red herring" so I will shut up now,
best wishes,

Re: White-letter Hairstreak life cycle video

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:25 pm
by Chris Jackson
Thumbs up, I've just watched this.