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EuCAN holidays

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:57 pm
by Pete Eeles
From Nigel Spring (all proceeds support conservation visits and training - hence this post!):

"I have now finalised plans for our two holidays next summer - another to La Brenne in June and one to Aggtelek in north-eastern Hungary in May. Aggtelek has to be one of our most favourite places - we have been there many times since 2006 and we learn new things and new places every time we go...

All the information is now on the EuCAN website - see ... n-hungary/ and ... la-brenne/ and we need to get the publicity out as quickly as possible as I need to confirm the accommodation by the New Year.

I am also attaching the relevant fliers and proposed programmes to this email - please let me know if you need these in a different format.

Could I ask you to help us by forwarding this email to your contacts and anyone else you think might be interested".


- Pete
Aggtelek 2015 proposed programme.pdf
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