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Scotch Argus or Large Ringlet???

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:08 pm
by osiersue
115_115 seen in Selva Italy 2007.jpg
As I had such a quick and helpful response the other day I would like to know what this butterfly is that I saw in Selva Italy in 2007
I know it's not a very clear photo but it's the only one I took as I wasn't into butterflies so much then.
I'm still new to it now!

Re: Scotch Argus or Large Ringlet???

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:24 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hi there,
I won't give you the full answer, but to help you along with the learning process, the UKBF site can provide you with distribution maps to give you an idea of where or not to expect to find UK species. See below the link for the Scotch Argus distribution map. This should help eliminate unlikely species candidates when trying to make an identification: :D ... s=aethiops

But I think you're on the right track with ringlets :wink:


Re: Scotch Argus or Large Ringlet???

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:09 pm
by MikeOxon
Sorry to confuse the issue but have you also considered Woodland ringlet Erebia medusa?

You could try looking at ... dland.html but, hopefully, Guy Padfield will reply with a definitive answer :)


Re: Scotch Argus or Large Ringlet???

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:13 pm
by Roger Gibbons
I think it’s between Woodland Ringlet (Erebia medusa) and Bright-eyed (E. oeme). The altitude and date could give some clues, as oeme is generally high altitude and on the wing from mid-June or so, whereas medusa flies from May onward.

Oeme is rather variable throughout its scattered range. Oeme is perhaps more likely but it is a species I see only rarely.

Re: Scotch Argus or Large Ringlet???

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:56 pm
by Padfield
As Roger says, both species, but especially oeme, are very variable. It would be helpful to have a date and an altitude. Selva itself (if I have the right one) is about 1550m, which in my region is about the lower limit for oeme - but perhaps you saw it higher up, near Selva. Medusa is the earlier of the two butterflies, flying from May/June at lower altitudes (my nearest colony is at about 1100m and I have seen it lower in the Jura), but I have seen it well into July at higher altitudes. Oeme is very common - sometimes abundant - above 1800m, where it gathers in numbers during July and August.

Yours looks like a female and from the markings best matches a weakly marked medusa - typical of higher altitudes. When in doubt I rely on the antennae, which are pale-tipped in medusa and dark-tipped in oeme - but unfortunately the antennal tips are hidden here. If you have more details of date and altitude it might be possible to give a more confident ID.


Re: Scotch Argus or Large Ringlet???

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:54 pm
by osiersue
Hi thanks for your reply's I have since looked up when this was taken and it was in the week of June 16th to 23rd 2007.
We went for a few walks up from the village but not that high as I'm not one for mountain hikes!!!
Hope this helps.
Thanks again,