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Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:50 pm
by Wurzel
Week 2

So continues sequence of posts giving one and all the opportunity to showcase their favourite shots of 2014!
Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As like last year details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.
Have a goodun


Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:11 am
by Chris Jackson
Here is a Brown Argus nectaring on Spurge in April in the South of France. The trickiest bit as usual is to get close but not to cast your own shadow.
agestis5_13 Vitrolles friche 10 Apr 2014 (2).JPG

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:01 pm
by MikeOxon
This was taken while I was experimenting with the use of a +1 close-up lens on my Lumix FZ200. It also shows the 'colon' mark on the underwing quite well.
Seven Barrows nr. Lambourn - 16th May 2014<br />Lumix FZ200 (fl=108mm) with +1 CU lens - 1/1600s@f/4 ISO125
Seven Barrows nr. Lambourn - 16th May 2014
Lumix FZ200 (fl=108mm) with +1 CU lens - 1/1600s@f/4 ISO125

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:28 pm
by millerd
My favourites both come from Bedfont Lakes Country Park, conveniently close to work. One is a lovely new female seen on 7th August.
BA1 070814.JPG
The second photo to me just captures the resilience and feistiness of the species, with an almost unrecognisable male trying it on with an almost equally decrepit female (19th September).
BAx2 190914.JPG

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:00 pm
by David M
This lovely insect is one I fair neglected during 2014.

The day I saw my first specimens was 14th May in Kittle Quarry, about a mile from where I live. They were all beautifully fresh.

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:45 pm
by Wurzel
Brown Argus

Taken on a cloudy, grey afternoon at the Devenish this was my favourite shot because it really seemed to jump out from the background. It looks really sharp and the lunules seem particularly vivid amongst the dull greys and greens of the day. So vivid in fact that the image stuck in my mind and when it came time to recall my favourite Brown Argus the choice was possibly the easiest to make.
Brown Argus.JPG
Have a goodun


Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:51 pm
by David M
There seems to be a good deal of blue scales around the abdomen of that individual, Wurzel.

Are you sure it's a Brown Argus?

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:06 pm
by millerd
It does look a bit unusual, but the pattern of the underside spots (the "colon") make it a Brown Argus for me.


Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:16 pm
by David M
millerd wrote:It does look a bit unusual, but the pattern of the underside spots (the "colon") make it a Brown Argus for me.

I completely agree, Dave. However, I've never seen a Brown Argus with such a blue profusion.

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:21 pm
by Wurzel
Definitely a Brown Argus David - along with pattern that Dave mentioned and larger and brighter lunules before it moved the fore-wing back I could see that it lacked that extra spot that Common Blues have (the cell spot) :D

Have a goodun


Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:31 pm
by millerd
You know what else it has, if you look really closely at the black spots between the orange lunules and the hindwing margin... There are hints of what look like one or two blue scales, in the fashion of a Silver Stud. Unless I'm imagining it all! :D


Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:26 pm
by MikeOxon
I'd always be very wary of judging colour from a single photo - lighting, shadows, reflections, etc. can all play havoc with colour balance. In my opinion, the whole photo has a distinct blue cast.

There's a very similar example by Pete Eeles at gallery/image_page.php?album_id=246&image_id=8219 , which also shows a scatter of light scales around the edges of the orange lunules, into the black.

Wurzel's is a nice Brown Argus photo, in roosting position :)

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:30 pm
by Neil Freeman
I saw my first few Brown Argus of 2014 whilst down on the IOW in May but it wasn't until I started to see the second brood at various places in late July and through August that it appeared to me that they were having a good season. I also saw good numbers in Dorset in early September although most were getting worn and faded by then.

There were a dozen or so at Aston Rowant when I went there in late July and where the photo below was taken.
Brown Argus - Aston Rowant 29.07.2014
Brown Argus - Aston Rowant 29.07.2014
I was particularly pleased to find at least half a dozen at a couple of local spots around Solihull, in previous years I had only found an occasional individual around here.
Brown Argus - Bickenhill Solihull 30.07.2014
Brown Argus - Bickenhill Solihull 30.07.2014
Brown Argus - Solihull 09.08.2014
Brown Argus - Solihull 09.08.2014
My overall favourite Brown Argus photo of the year however is probably the nice female below, taken at Grafton Wood later in August where I found numerous examples of this species along the rides and paths.
Brown Argus - Grafton Wood 20.08.2014
Brown Argus - Grafton Wood 20.08.2014


Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:11 pm
by badgerbob
I was on a dragonfly hunt when this fresh Brown Argus settled next to me. I didn't get to my usual BA site too much this year so this was a bit of luck.
DSC_0836 (1280x850).jpg

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:13 pm
by Nigel Kiteley
I have two favourite Brown Argus images from this year and both were taken at Bishop's Hill in Warwickshire.
Brown Argus6.jpg
Bishop's Hill - 28.07.2014.

Brown Argus3 copy.jpg
Bishop's Hill - 30.07.2014.

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:17 pm
by Matsukaze
First garden record...

This individual was a little camera-shy.

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:33 pm
by Pete Eeles
Well ... I'm "surfing" through the various posts and, I have to say, this thread has really confirmed my view that UKBers are really ahead of the game in terms of quality butterfly shots. Specifically, when I look at magazines (and even books) that are "focused" on macro photography from the (so-called) experts, their photographs are lower quality than those from UKBers! One individual provides consistently-bad shots (and has even written books), but I won't name names :evil:

Suffice to say - I've learned so much from fellow UKB enthusiasts on the butterfly front (although I do need to get to grips with the environment shots from Padders and others), and it seems that others have too :)

What an awesome website, even if I say so myself :)


- Pete

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 8:35 pm
by Philzoid
Pete Eeles wrote:What an awesome website, even if I say so myself
You're dead right there Pete :) Having this means to share our butterfly interests and experiences is a godsend. And some of the member's photos are class :!: .. they spur you on to do better :D

And now my favourite Brown Argus is this one taken from Butser Hill (cracking site)
2014.05.11 IMG_1523 Brown Argus, Rake Bottom, Butser Hill.jpg

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:28 pm
by bugboy
One of my favourite from last year was taken on my local patch, a short walk from my flat. I spent quite a time watching the small colony, including a mating, and this female was very obliging to having me stick my camera in her face :)

Re: Brown Argus - Favourite Photo of 2014

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:38 am
by MikeOxon
Pete Eeles wrote:What an awesome website, even if I say so myself
Agreed - and isn't it great to have such a wonderful collection, without having stuck a pin in anything :)
