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Wall, Thames Estuary

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:12 pm
by Alastair Rae
We went for a walk on Sunday north from Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury, Essex. We were very pleasantly surprised to find 20+ Walls in a 1 km stretch of concrete seawall. Also c 4 Clouded Yellows.
Despite having accumulated a Britain and Ireland "life list" of well over 40 species of butterfly, we have only ever seen Wall on the continent. Shows either how uncommon they've become or we've not been looking in the right places!

Re: Wall, Thames Estuary

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:31 pm
by David M
They're practically confined to the coast these days. I don't know of anywhere where they can be found significantly inland.

It's a real puzzle to me as they were very common when I was a kid in the north west of England, some 20 miles away from the nearest suitable stretch of coastline.