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Objectives of this Forum

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:40 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi all,

With the launch of, we need a means of gathering the golden nuggets of information that emerge on the UKB forums somewhere - hence this new forum - named as a tribute to "Notes and Views of the Purple Emperor" by Heslop, Hyde and Stockley which is, itself, a collection of notes (as the name implies!). Vince will set up a new thread each month so that we can place links to items we've seen elsewhere on the forums (or web in general) that warrant a mention on the Dispar website, where we intend to complete a monthly article containing a summary of the items that have been identified.

To kick this off, I'll set up a "Notes and Views - a Retrospective" thread where we can place items that we know are in the forums but have not been documented anywhere (but merit this). So please help "seed" this new thread and we look forward to you contributions.


- Pete