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Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:10 am
by Pete Eeles
From the homepage: Today sees one of the most exciting events in the history of the UK Butterflies website, as we launch a companion website, dispar, at With an ever-growing membership contributing a large number of posts on the UK Butterflies forums, the time has come for a new vehicle to be put in place that will allow significant contributions to be extracted and shared more widely. This includes formal cataloging of articles so that they may be located by anyone looking to research a particular aspect of Lepidoptera.

What this really means, is:

- We don't want to lose the gems of information that pop up within the forums from time to time.
- We want to ensure that any articles get as wide a circulation as possible.
- We want to encourage the writing of articles given the wealth of experience in the membership.

You'll also find a few new articles on the website:

The articles, reviews and reports will be removed from UKB shortly, and relinked to the new website.

All comments welcome - and enjoy!


- Pete

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:39 am
by PhilBJohnson
Thank you very much for this, Pete.
My first impressions having not even heard about this new website launch before now:
"Dispar"- I'm not the best with dictionary definitions but even siri needed help with this one.
I'm not going to suggest a new name but if I did, it wouldn't be "website under construction" :D
Home Page-Excellent Pete.
just looking at your posting time, it also looks to me like you have been "burning the midnight oil" ? :)
Best wishes,

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:21 am
by Mark Tutton
What a great resource - well done on pulling it all together Pete,it certainly shows some considerable thought and effort has been put into this new website!
I have just read a couple of the articles which had passed me by on UKB and the standard is superb - I look forward to many new posts.
Kind Regards

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:45 am
by Neil Hulme
Eccellente, Pete, with these websites, you're really spoiling us. This is a great new resource, so congratulations and thanks to you, Mark, Guy, Vince, Tim and Kate for launching this, and for its future management. With the greatly increased (and very welcome) traffic in terms of Personal Diary postings and discussions, UKB has probably become too large and diverse to index and research over the last year or two. It deserves a press release.
BWs, Neil

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:39 am
by peterc
Fantastic, Pete. Something for me to delve into in the winter ...


Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:58 am
by Hugh Middleton
This is an excellent resource. Many thanks to all who have made it possible.


Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:12 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks for the enthusiastic response Phil, Mark, Neil, Peter and Hugh! I've discussed the idea of the website with several members over the last several months but it was only last week that I decided to do something about it! We decided we needed some new articles at launch so we pulled those together too, as well as constructing the actual website and moving the UKB articles across. So yes - some late nights!
PhilBWright wrote:"Dispar"- I'm not the best with dictionary definitions but even siri needed help with this one.
"dispar" is an iconic British butterfly, so shame on Siri, I say :)
PhilBWright wrote:just looking at your posting time, it also looks to me like you have been "burning the midnight oil" ? :)
An illusion I'm afraid - I'm working in Istanbul this week (sending this message from Asia though - back to Europe later!) and had to get up at 6am for a meeting, which is 4am UK time.
Mark Tutton wrote:I look forward to many new posts.
So do I! I feel that almost everyone contributing to UKB has something of value to share, so get those keys a tapping :)
Neil Hulme wrote:UKB has probably become too large and diverse to index and research over the last year or two.
Absolutely right! The needles of valuable information being posted are getting lost in the haystack!
Neil Hulme wrote:It deserves a press release.
Good idea - will have a think about that!


- Pete

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:54 pm
by David M
Fabulous addition! I've just taken a look round and it's quite stunning.

There is already an array of information not to be found in any book.

The site looks bright and very professional too. Eleven out of ten, Pete! :D

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:12 pm
by ScottD
Only had a brief glance around but it looks great, Peter. :)
I've shared it (& the 2015 calendar) on BC, G & SWS branch Facebook for you.

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:33 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks David and Scott (especially for spreading the word!).


- Pete

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:00 pm
by jonhd
Excellent resource, Pete. Much appreciated, and I've already got a permanent tab in Firefox for it.

Any chance of a "What's New" page, listing additions as they appear?


Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:17 am
by Pete Eeles
jonhd wrote:Excellent resource, Pete. Much appreciated, and I've already got a permanent tab in Firefox for it.

Any chance of a "What's New" page, listing additions as they appear?

It's at the bottom of the home page - where you can also click on "Most Recent".


- Pete

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:41 pm
by jonhd
Doh! :oops:

Re: Dispar - new website launched today!

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 1:25 pm
by Pete Eeles
Just in case anyone misses this (and cares!), all articles (but not reviews) in Dispar are now downloadable as a PDF. For example:


- Pete